Monday, February 27, 2017

Day 257 - Back to School

     After having to deal with more health issues than I can count Evan finally got his opportunity to attend his first day of school.  Using the word excited to describe his emotions would be an understatement.  Around 5:50 this morning Cristy was in the shower and I got up to check on Nolan who was crying because he wanted his blanket back on.  A few minutes later I hear Evan over the monitor asking for someone to come in and get him ready for school.  As I walk in his room he had removed all his clothes and was about to attempt dressing himself; presumably because I was too slow.  I figured we might as well get the day started as I know I would have had no chance getting him back to sleep.

First day of Kindergarten!

     Cristy and I are still sorting out a revised medicine and eating schedule.  Returning to school changes our routine up, but this is one change I have no problem adapting to.  Getting Evan back in school actually adds some version of normalcy into his life.  I hope the few hours per day he's at school he can concentrate on being a kid and forget some of his daily challenges.
     This afternoon Evan had another round of chemotherapy.  When he got home around 3:30'ish I think the early morning and drugs finally caught up with him.  He slept on the couch next to me for a little bit.  As per usual once he woke up he was his typical happy and energetic self.  I don't know how he does it.  The Dr. decided to leave his dosage levels at the same as last session.  The redness and irritation of Evan's skin caused her a moment of pause.  It's likely due to the chemo drugs so I don't know if concern is the right word, but I'm sure she made a note of it.  She also suggested we get some lotion with an SPF rating.

Working on a math problem.

     During the meeting with the doctor Cristy was told that her preference would be to wait until maintenance to pull the PICC line in favor of the port.  I guess as long as we can get this done before the weather heats up I don't have any major concerns with this decision.  The PICC prevents us from exposing him to water and with spring right around the corner I'd love to be able to set the pool up outside for the kids at the very least.
     Closing out with one of my favorite feel good songs by a little known band called Suburban Legends.  The name of the song is called Bright Spring Morning.  It's about jumping in the car, rolling the windows down, turning the radio up and just driving.  I dream of the day when Cristy and I aren't tethered to the house and can just throw the kids in the car, flip a coin and go somewhere for the weekend.


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