Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Day 243 - We're all set for Interim Maintenance II

     This morning Evan had an appointment at the local CHoA satellite office for blood work.  Based on how Evan has looked, Cristy and I both felt comfortable he was rebounding as expected since Delayed Intensification, but I didn't foresee his bone marrow responding so well.  Cristy got a call from the clinic this evening and got the results; he has a WBC count of 12.99, platelets registered 250, hemoglobin was at 11.2 and his ANC was 8.4.  His WBC, platelets and ANC were all way above average and his hemoglobin was in an acceptable range.

First haircut in months.  The boys weren't ready for the sunlight.

     With these strong numbers the doctors were comfortable moving forward with Interim Maintenance II on Thursday.  This involves two IV based drugs, Vincristine and Methotrexate.  As I understand it from talking to the NP, the Methotrexate quantity will increase in volume with each subsequent visit.  Ideally it would be every 10 days for the next two months, but the timing is dictated by how Evan's bone marrow and body chemistry responds to the treatments.

Playing Sunday morning before taking the family to see Sing.

     As you can imagine, this will negatively effect his counts; however, how quickly and to what degree remains to be seen.  Since we're taking Keflex and Voriconazole I'm hopeful his improved immune function can eliminate the potential infections found during the last scan.

Scarfing down some cookie calories.

     Cristy and I have noticed on and off effort from Evan on his walking.  Some times he's all-in and raring to go, and other times he fights us with every step.  When I've noticed severe limping I've asked him how he's feeling, but not once has he reported discomfort or pain.  I'm looking forward to Friday because he'll see his main physical therapist with whom he's built a great rapport.  She hasn't seen him using both feet in over two months.  I have no doubt she'll be as excited as we were, and even more so, I hope she pushes him to his limits to get stronger.
     Today Evan's teacher came by the house to drop off Valentine's Day gifts from his classmates and teachers.  The thoughtfulness of the faculty and classmates always puts a smile on my face as I know it does Evan too.  I'm optimistic we come up with a plan with Evan's medical team on what the future holds for him attending school.  We didn't get to experience a typical "first day" like many parents, so I'm sure I'll be a blubbering mess when it does happen.

A personalized wooden book for Evan's writing signed by all his classmates.

     Closing out with a very Happy Valentine's Day to everyone out there, especially my loving wife Cristy.  Through thick and thin she puts up with me, continues fighting for our family no matter what situations present themselves and always puts others first.  I still don't know how she functions on so little sleep and continues to keep this house running.

The surprise cake Cristy got me for V-Day this year.

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