Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Day 237 - We're back (again)!

     Yesterday we finally got all four members of the family under one roof again.  Evan's tests ran long, but luckily Cristy and Evan made it home after a little bit of time in rainy rush hour traffic.  I don't think Nolan could have been more excited to see his brother and mommy.  Naturally I was thrilled too having my family together again.
     Tuesday morning Evan had a dye injected into his body that would help identify infections, fractures and other non-standard bone ailments.  The scan that was done wasn't an x-ray or an MRI, but rather is known as nuclear imaging and is a component of nuclear medicine.  During a scan the dye would highlight areas of concern.  The link provided should explain it in much better detail.  Needless to say this scan took quite a while to get scheduled and completed.
     The test showed two other potential infections, the first in one of Evan's vertebrae and the second one in his left hip.  I didn't talk to the doctors personally, but Cristy noted that both were considered small in size.  Our ID doctor feels that an improved immune system combined with his Keflex treatments should handle the infections.  There is nothing official on the books, however we're told they will likely bring us back in in four to six weeks for a status check.
     Upon his return last night I noticed two things.  Evan seems to be moving pain free, although his muscles and balance still need work.  The second thing I saw was that his sleeping schedule is all out of whack.  In the hospital he was able to stay up until 10:30 or 11:00 due to the nature of his medications, bath time, shift change, etc.  At home last night I tried to get him to bed at 8:30 and it was futile.  If you told me he had springs sewn into his pajamas I'd have believed you.  Let's hope that tonight we have better success.
     The doctors have given us the OK to restart giving baths to Evan this Friday.  The incision in his leg looks good, but this allows for a bit more time to heal and scar/scab over.  It doesn't look red or swollen so I feel confident that it's coming along.  This week we'll take it easy and lay low around the house.  Not sure when his next lab appointment is.  With any luck we're through the worst of Delayed Intensification and can start focusing on the other challenges ahead.

The reasons why I strive to be a better man each day.

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