Friday, February 3, 2017

Day 232 - Late night scans

     We were hoping for a quiet weekend, but whether or not that happens is still up in the air.  This morning someone from Orthopedic came in to check Evan's drain and seemed pleased with how it looked, the swelling level, etc.  Following this visit the Dr. put in an order for PT work.

Working on some Legos this morning.

     Around 10:00 a therapist came in to work with Evan.  As usual he lacked confidence in bearing weight on his right leg.  The therapist asked us to try providing supported areas for him to place his foot so that he can get used to the sensation of a flat foot.  From a soreness standpoint Evan isn't complaining about pain.  Ortho will continue to monitor the discharge this weekend and once they're comfortable will pull the drain to allow his leg to completely heal back up.
     When the medical team came through this morning I was anxious to get his blood counts.  His hemoglobin, platelets and WBCs were all healthy and his ANC has steadily climbed to 1.94.  Based on his increasing numbers I spoke with Oncology about when we might begin Interim Maintenance.  They said it's still pending the culture results from Thursday.  This will also drive the decision on what antibiotic to prescribe and if it needs to be IV or oral.

Spending a little time with the musical therapist.

     Infectious Disease dropped by this afternoon to let us know nothing has cultured yet.  Upon giving Evan a once over they noticed his right arm was swollen around his PICC line.  They have decided to perform an ultrasound on his arm and a chest X-ray.  The purpose of both is to check for clots and the placement of his PICC line.  I don't know if we'll hear anything concrete this evening, but would expect some results in the morning once the medical team has had time to review.
     There is no planned discharge date as of yet.  With his infection still up in the air and now the possibility of a clot or additional infection around his PICC line they'll want to clear those items up.  Cristy is spending the evening at the hospital and if additional information comes available I'll try to update the blog.

Build-a-bear in The Zone.

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