Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Day 75 - Round 3 begins

     Despite beginning his 3rd round of chemotherapy I'm pleased to report that today was fairly uneventful.  Evan received another PICC line and had vincristine and methotrexate administered late this morning.  He'll receive a slightly reduced vincristine dosage each session because he's still taking two doses of voriconazole daily and both are metabolized through the liver causing stress to this organ.  The methotrexate dosages will increase each session and his enzymes will be monitored for toxicity in his blood.

During clinic visits he's not far from his iPad.  Thanks Steve Jobs.

     The blood counts for this past week looked good and well within acceptable norms.  There is still some concern that Cristy, the medical staff and I have regarding Evan's lack of appetite and subsequent weight loss.  From last session to now he went from 18.8 kilograms to 18.9.  This is a modest increase and I think all of us, including Evan, need to work towards a regimen that minimizes his nausea and vomiting.  Easier said than done I'm afraid.

Scarfing down some Ramen noodles.

     Evan's oncologist for this week said we could pull his daily bentyl medications.  This is a drug used to prevent stomach cramping and was supposed to help with some of the discomfort he's been feeling while eating.  Unfortunately it was ineffective, but on the plus side he doesn't have to take it anymore.  We're going to increase his periactin dosages to help stimulate his appetite.  Even though the pain will likely still be there it should help us get more calories packed in over time.

Passing time at Toys R' Us.

     Standing has been the medical order since last Friday and it's become less of a chore for Evan.  That's not to say he doesn't fight us on his physical therapy work, only that his legs seem more stable.  For the remainder of this week and onward Cristy and I will try to keep motivating him to walk, even if it's with the assistance of his walker.  Moving under his own power just isn't in the cards for at least the next couple of weeks.
     Now that we're in our PT phase of recovery it's only fitting to add another Rocky reference to our soundtrack.  I considered Eye of the Tiger, but that's cliche even for this situation.  I leave you with a song called Going the Distance by Bill Conti.  I hope it provides you with a little extra motivation to go that extra step if you're feeling down.

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