Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Day 69 - Happy Birthday Evan!

     As the title suggests today is Evan's 5th birthday!  He's pretty excited, but he has expressed frustration that we're not doing a party for him this year.  We told him to try not to fret and that it was in the best interest of his long-term health.  I believe a few visitors are stopping by at various times today to help celebrate with him.

Receiving 1 of 2 daily Lovenox shots.

     Since the last update Evan has made minimal progress.  The vomiting and nausea are still a concern, although he has good and bad days.  His weight continues to drop and I can't wait for Friday so that we can complete this round of chemotherapy.  With any luck his appetite will increase shortly thereafter.
     The sores on his skin look good and are healing as expected.  Physical therapy is slow going for now.  Evan is making progress, however it's baby steps (no pun intended).  He's able to stand for short periods of time and walking is a struggle.  The remainder of this week is pretty busy.  Tomorrow is an all-day affair at the clinic.  Friday the Home Bound teacher is coming to the house to work with Evan and Saturday is a formal PT session to work on Evan's mobility.

Gaming in his Professor X chair.

     Wrapping up today's short blog with one more happy birthday wish for my little fighter and I hope he's able to enjoy his special day.  We love you buddy!

Shirt Cristy had made for Evan.  Donatello shaped like a 5.


  1. Happy Birthday Evan! All of your nurses miss you!

  2. That shirt is the best! I hope Evan had the relaxing birthday he so deserves!
