Saturday, August 13, 2016

Day 58 - Getting the sillies back

     The last 48 hours we've seen progress in some areas and regression in others.  Evan's WBC for his spinal fluid showed a significant reduction in cells, meaning whatever foreign agent was in his spinal cavity is almost eliminated.  The doctors believe his immune system fought it off successfully.  In addition to that Evan's foot was deemed healthy and healing as expected.  While the doctors had him opened up they decided to flush his ankle out with saline, apply some topical ointment and sealed everything back up.  The plan is to remove his ace wrap sometime today, but will leave the steri-strips to keep the entry site closed.

Playing with Silly Putty and Playdoh.

     We had two mild fevers about 8 hours after his surgery was complete.  This could have been brought on by the anesthesia or from the medical team entering his ankle.  Evan's last fever was at 7:30 a.m. on Friday morning.  The sores and sutures on his arms are starting to diminish and heal.  If he continues without the fevers the medical team is stating they're going to release us next week.  This was music to our ears and we're anxious and optimistic that Evan will continue to progress.
     Now on to the not-so-good news.  The stomach problems have returned in a big way.  Evan's morphine drip was turned off yesterday afternoon and unfortunately we're seeing now it was masking pain in his stomach and ankle.  The GI team doesn't seem too concerned and want to stay the course by continuing to foster his appetite, administering anti-nausea and anti-cramping medicine and giving him twice a day prevacid.  As a stop gap for the weekend they have turned the drip back on, but at a much lower level.  Evan's vomiting is still a concern as well.  Until the c-diff and this phase of chemo are done it's difficult to say if either are the catalyst for that.

The boys spending a few moments together.

     It's not confirmed, but Cristy and I believe that the only thing that will keep us here past next week would be more fevers.  I don't know if I'd say Evan is traumatized by his experiences of late, but he's definitely scared when a doctor enters the room.  Obviously the teams see that and want to get us out of here if at all possible.  The techniques that the psychologist shared with us earlier this week don't seem to be working in allaying his fears.
     Evan's personality has returned in a big way, assuming there isn't a doctor in the room or he isn't experiencing belly pains.  He's acting silly and playful again.  The smile that we love to see is returning.  He's becoming more alert and communicative with Cristy and I.  During our reading and writing time he's able to pick up where he left off cognitively before leukemia took hold of our family.  Getting back home will do wonders for his confidence again so I'm very hopeful that we're able to avoid any more surprises.

Silly face time.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of the boys together, you can tell that Nolan adores Evan
