Sunday, August 28, 2016

Day 73 - Rehabbing mind and body

     There have been no significant health updates for Evan since Thursday.  With his bowel movements becoming solid we were able to pull flagyl, in addition to completing his 6-MP medication for this round of chemo.  Tuesday Evan will get a new PICC line installed along with the beginning of his next phase of chemotherapy.  The PICC line brings a new set of challenges for Cristy and I due to the cleaning and maintenance required.  I was in favor of getting a new port installed over the PICC, but the doctors want to hold off on that until the clot in his chest has cleared.

Packing on some calories.

      To friends I've talked with since we've all been home one of the common comments I receive is "I bet Evan is happy to be home."  Based on what I see my response is typically "Not as happy as you think."  Granted I know he'd prefer to be home over the hospital, but mentally he's still adjusting to life as a cancer patient.  The daily drugs he must take on scheduled times frustrates him, which in turn causes him to drive Cristy and I crazy.  All tasks are a challenge right now from taking medication, to eating, to bathroom breaks, to walking, to brushing teeth.  All of our efforts to improve his health are met with strong resistance.
     In the past we've mentioned to him that this will be our life for the next 4 months, possibly longer if maintenance has any surprises that we're not aware of yet.  While we've been home I haven't brought the timing discussion back up.  This is mainly because I want him pushing forward and by knowing that he's in store for several more months of medication and physical therapy probably would discourage him and make the job Cristy and I have in front of us more trying.

Arts and crafts time with the boys.

     As with any five year old he's enjoying some of the day-to-day activities we're forced to let him partake in; namely the movies and video games.  Cristy has been trying to think of creative alternatives to help keep him mentally sharp and push him further along in his physical recovery.  My goals are typically centered around challenging his will to fight and take the steps necessary to heal.  Naturally all of this is done with love and his well being as my primary focus, but I doubt he's going to nominate me for any father of the year awards.

Fighting through some discomfort.

     Goals for the coming week are better control of Evan's vomiting and nausea, weight gain, physical therapy and help alleviate any side effects from this next round of chemotherapy.  On a lighter note I'm looking forward to my favorite time of year, which is college football season.  Games begin Thursday evening and I'm already giddy with excitement.  Go Dawgs!  Go Herd!

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