Sunday, August 14, 2016

Day 59 - We're getting the band back together

     Evan's health is like a band way past their glory days, but looking to cash in on one more tour.  The members reluctantly agree to this arrangement because they want one more payday.  I envision the cells in his body having a conversation like this: "Hey, I heard the doctors say Evan is going to get released soon.  Quick let's get the band back together and give this kid some more fevers, it will be a riot!".  As you can probably tell from this diatribe Evan's fevers have returned.

Cristy and Evan doing some PT work.

     Last night shortly after my last blog entry his body started experiencing fevers about every four hours.  Tylenol eventually broke it each time, but as soon as the next dose could be given his temperature would begin to rise again.  This seems to coincide with two other changes.  His morphine being reduced could cause fevers, as well as our old pal c-diff.  Based on the watery and mucus filled bowel movements my money is on the latter.
     We received some of the blood results back and there is something causing increased inflammation in Evan's body.  Testing of the stool samples surprisingly came back as negative for c-diff.  The medical team is going to collect another sample and analyze it for other strains of c-diff or bacteria.  In the meantime oral vancomycin is back on the menu a few times a day.  Think of it as the groupie that is driving a wedge in between the band members.  The one thing that can prevent our departure this week has reared its ugly head again.
     If you look beyond the big set back it would be easy to miss some good things happening right now.  Evan is definitely back to his old disposition.  Naturally he's terrified of the needle pokes, but other than that is playful and talkative.  His legs and arms are healing very well.  We noticed him bearing minor weight on the ankle that was operated on without pain.  Stomach pains are still there, however if c-diff is confirmed it could be a factor.  His appetite hasn't returned, although when Cristy and I insist he seems to be eating without as much pain as he had earlier this week.

Checking the health status of his surgical wounds.

     Tomorrow there is a CT scan scheduled to review his lungs and stomach and I'm sure the doctors will give him a closer look.  There was also talk from the ID team today about switching his IV based drugs to oral so that Evan can begin getting used to them for when we eventually get released.  The revised chemo plan is still in effect and we'll find out later this week how future spinal tap sedation will be given.  Let's hope this band decides not to play an encore.

Enjoying some computer time and eating breakfast.

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