Friday, July 1, 2016

Day 15 - First setback

     While I love the care and attention we're getting at the Scottish Rite PICU I'd certainly prefer to be back downstairs in the in-patient units.  Evan's vitals have all stabilized and he's been fever free for about 12 hours.  Despite that he's still saying that his body hurts in certain locations such as his stomach, leg, forearm and back.  The doctors want to rule out an infection at these spots so they're paying a little closer attention.
     His lungs seem strained as well so they've increased the oxygen intake and plan on doing a lasix injection later.  It's basically going to draw excess water out of his cells and flush them through his kidneys.  While listening to his lungs the doctors can hear he's struggling with fluid and want to get that out as well.

Evan catching a nap this morning to pass the time.

     Finally his infection still exists in both his port and IV.  We're told this isn't entirely abnormal since he's only been on the e-coli antibiotic for about 24 hours.  They'll continue to draw blood cultures throughout the day to check his progress.  Since the belief is the infection started in the stomach and he's still complaining of stomach pains despite the medication he's going to have a CT scan done in the next hour or so.  The Infectious Diseases doctors also have not ruled out running additional tests.
     The constant medical attention we receive in the ICU is taking it's toll on Evan's spirit.  Cristy and I are doing the best we can to help explain the situation and keep his mind occupied with other things.  At this point we don't have a date for release, but I'm told they do a fireworks show here for the patients and wouldn't be surprised if we're in attendance.

Getting schooled by my son in War.

     We've discovered that hospital policy dictates that Evan stay on premise for another 10 - 14 days after the bacteria has been cleared from his system. While on the surface this may seem like bad news, Cristy and I are actually a bit relieved.  Having the hospital staff helping us navigate through Induction, Evan's first phase of chemo, is somewhat reassuring.

     CT scan came back with no negative findings in his stomach and the lasix has helped his labored breathing tremendously.  We're now awaiting lab results from the various blood draws throughout the day to see if the antibiotic doses are working.

Evan's first CT scan.  He was a little nervous.

     Still no food as of yet for Evan.  He's becoming increasingly angry, as we all would, since he hasn't had a real meal since Wednesday night.  I'm hoping the doctors eventually let him ease his way into eating solid foods again.  His stomach is still inflamed and I'm very curious what the treatment plan will be.  Signing off until the next update.

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