Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 13.5 - Trip to the ER

     Evan's fever spiked this evening and he's been unable to walk due to a sore hip.  We spoke with the doctors and they asked us to bring him in to the ER.  Cristy is in route now.  Hoping it's nothing serious and that he can get some antibiotics and pain killers for his hip.  I'll post additional updates in this thread.

     It's been quite an evening.  Evan's temperature peaked around 103.6 (corrected since talking with Cristy), which for me and you could be a big deal, but for someone without an immune system at the moment is very dangerous.  Doctors have drawn blood and are checking it for any irregularities now.  He's also complained of pains in his stomach, hips and sides.  No one is sure the cause of this.  Lack of fluids causing him to retain the chemo has been tossed about as has a carry over from the spinal tap yesterday.  He's also had dangerously low blood pressure so the doctors are monitoring that as well.  More updates to come.

     We got moved to the PICU around 2:00 because his vitals (heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels, temperature) are all over the place.  Bacterial infection confirmed, identified as some form of e-coli.  Entry port was likely his stomach lining.  Doctors have stated he'll stay over night and continue to receive antibiotics.  Lots of new poking and prodding going on and he's staying as strong as can be.  I'll update again at some point, but this will likely be my last entry until tomorrow.  I'd anticipate more ebbs and flows until the infection is under control.

     Doctors are keeping us in the ICU at least until tomorrow.  From there they'll determine whether to send us back downstairs to the in-patient units or stay put.  Either way we're not being discharged tomorrow.  Today has been an emotional roller-coaster for Cristy and I and I can't even begin to imagine the sort of emotions Evan has been feeling.  In the pictures below you'll see a wide range of things he had to go through, both mentally and physically.  Despite it all he stayed strong and really only complained about not getting to eat (poor guy hasn't eaten since yesterday evening).
     I suppose it's somewhat early to feel comfortable but his vitals have leveled back off since around 6:00 pm today.  He's had three blood transfusions, two platelet transfusions and countless antibiotic and steroid injections today alone.  In the pictures below you'll see figures for his heart rate and blood pressure.  Keep in mind the 161 heart rate was while he was sleeping this morning upon my arrival.  Cristy said it got into the 170s at it's worst and his blood pressure was even lower earlier in the morning before I got to the hospital.  The other alarming figure is 88/45, which was his blood pressure.

     He's had numerous x-rays today and been forced to wear an oxygen mask in order to get his body the resources it needs to fight this infection.  Because it's leukemia the symptoms and battles take place anywhere that his body transports blood.  This has made it almost impossible for him to remain pain free.

He's been experiencing discomfort all over.  The techs take an x-ray of his arm.
     It's times like this that I want so badly to take the pain away.  I wish it was me under the lights, getting poked with needles and subjected to this and not a child of only four years old.  His composure in the face of adversity is very inspiring and provides a great example of how to behave when things aren't going my way.

Watching The Incredibles to take his mind off of the busy day.

     I leave this last photo hoping not to jinx ourselves.  No fevers since late this afternoon and much improved vitals.  While I know this isn't exactly the road to recovery, it will allow us to get one step closer to our ultimate goal of remission.

Almost back to normal.

     Over the last few days I feel I've needed a little jolt to my psyche in order to stay strong for my family.  One of the songs that perks me up, and doesn't contain foul language, that is fitting for my frame of mind tonight is Save You by Simple Plan.

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