Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day 19 - Out of surgery

     I just spoke with the surgeon and Evan is out of surgery and in the recovery area.  We were on the add-on list (think flying stand-by) today and to my great surprise they came in at 7:00 and shuttled us off to start prepping.  Evan slept the whole way up and during the waiting process so there wasn't any unnecessary angst on his part.  Luckily we finished the second platelet transfusion early this morning around 3:00 so he was at a healthy count prior to heading upstairs.
     Because the yeast cultures are still coming back positive the doctors decided not to install the PICC line as originally planned.  They didn't want to have the same problem with it that we're currently having with the port.  The tentative plan for now is to let Evan recover for the next couple of days and try to install it Friday.  We'll continue with his steroid treatments, but the next chemo session will be pushed to Friday as well.  I spoke with our Nurse Practitioner about that and she said it wouldn't impact his Induction end date.
     I'm anxiously awaiting talking with his medical team when they make their rounds in just a bit.

     Cristy and I met with the medical team today.  Despite earlier reports that Evan was free of bacteria in his blood, it seems that the test showing all clear was false.  He also is showing fungal infection.  He'll continue his treatments with the various drugs.  Once he is all clear of both infections for 48 hours we will move forward with the PICC procedure.

Rise and shine, time for surgery.

     Friday he'll pick back up his chemo treatments, either with a PICC line or a temporary IV.  He's on his typical list a mile long of assorted drugs.  His MRI for his legs and lower regions is getting pushed back until tomorrow.  They typically sedate children for the MRI and don't want to sedate him twice in one day.
     The surgery went without a hitch and he was back in the room by 9:30.  Thank you to the OR team for bringing my son back to me safe and sound.  He's currently sleeping off the anesthesia and all vitals are stable.

No worries.  Heading to the operating room.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like another cupcake run is in Evan's future soon! Give him a hug for me.

