Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Day 34 - Hotel California

     Nolan and I spent the day at the house so I could work and came in around 3:00 to relieve Cristy and let him see his big brother a bit.  I had seriously considered coming up sooner based on the bad news that Cristy reported to me this morning.  Evan's fever has returned with a vengeance and had to be broke twice, once with only Tylenol and the other time with Tylenol and Motrin.
     This is very discouraging as it now sets our departure timer back.  We had been told that Friday we could leave assuming there were no more setbacks.  Even more frustrating is that the doctors still don't know the source of his fevers or stomach pains.  I seriously need to consider getting an apartment nearby so I won't have to deal with the commute back and forth.
     To help provide the medical team with more data Evan had his antibiotic and anti-fungal changed (again), along with a CT scan this afternoon.  He was nervous, however did fine once we got him on the table and started the process.

Getting Evan out of the bed moving a bit.  Nolan tagging along for the ride.

     One of the Oncology Doctor Fellows spoke with me this evening about the CT scan results and stated Evan has some sort of fungal puss ball in his lung.  She gave it a much more scientific name besides puss ball, but for the life of me I don't recall what it was.  When I relayed this information to Cristy she said we already knew about this two weeks ago.  His new anti-fungal should treat it, but they're going to discuss  the potential for ANOTHER surgery tomorrow.  Have I mentioned lately how much I wish it was me on the OR table?
     So another night on fever and pain management watch.  The doctors also found elevated levels of white blood cells in his spinal fluid.  Is this good or bad?  We don't know and the doctors didn't want to elaborate more without first getting more information.  The silver lining is that the CT scan of his head didn't show anything to be alarmed with.  It was scanned out of an abundance of caution since they wanted to rule out any sort of bacterial infections there.
     Signing off tonight from my 2nd home, but I'll leave everyone with a picture of my baby Nolan who still manages to get a smile on our faces despite the circumstances.

Cheesing for the camera.


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