Sunday, July 3, 2016

Day 17 - Another setback

     Evan was starting to make a recovery from the bacterial infection, however the antibiotics have caused a yeast infection in his blood.  This particular infection is difficult to resolve and the doctors now have him on anti-fungal medication in addition to existing cocktail of drugs.
     This has now created concerns with his port as the doctors feel that the yeast will be almost impossible to clear.  To that end they have scheduled Evan for surgery on Tuesday to remove the port and go with a PICC in his arm temporarily.  He'll receive more platelet and blood transfusions now until Tuesday to get his critical blood numbers up ahead of surgery.
     Post recovery the doctors will be keeping us here for observation and once the chemo schedule allows for it we'll try the port install on the other side of his chest.  This news was a definite kick to the stomach this morning as we were hoping to avoid this procedure, however the doctors brought this up as a possibility while we were in intensive care so it's not a complete surprise.

Evan receiving an ECG test.

     With everything going on the doctors are a bit concerned about Evan's organs, such as his liver, kidneys, heart and spleen.  The drugs are taking a toll on him and he's still got the leg pains preventing him from walking.  His spirits are low despite our best efforts to cheer him up.  I don't have anything else to add at this time.


  1. Blaine, I can't imagine the pain that you all are experiencing through this. We have added Evan to the prayer chain at our church as well as to our District Prayer Chain, which will place him on several other church lists. Thanks so much for the blog. I know how difficult it can be to write, but it allows others to be a part of this journey with you and to keep your family in the forefront of their thoughts and prayers. Diane May

  2. :( Know too well about the pesky yeast infections. It's the lowered immune system. Not a fan of yogurt but have to eat it every time I get prescribed certain drugs. It's hard to remember to eat the yogurt but when I forget I sure pay for it later. Evan, please pull through!
