Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Day 5 - The Duck

     If you've ever heard the old adage about a duck being calm on top of the water, but busy underneath that would be a good way to describe how I'm feeling right now.  It's not an intentional facade, just how I deal with stress and turmoil.  Below the surface you'd see butterflies, nerves and lots of anxiety.
     I'm excited to report that today Evan successfully completed his port installation, spinal tap, bone marrow extraction and one of two chemo treatments.  The second one is scheduled for later this evening.  While I'm nervous now I know I'll be even more so once I'm home and don't have the safety net of the doctors and nurses.  My worst fear is jeopardizing my son's health because I missed some important detail.
     The anesthesia is slowing wearing off and he's becoming more himself after a long nap today.  I'm told that the steroid treatment tonight, and steroid treatments in general, will likely have him acting out of sorts.  I guess roid rage didn't get it's name for nothing.
      Again, can't speak highly enough about CHoA.  Today prior to surgery one of the assistants, Katie, came by to help Evan relax.  She brought him an iPad with tons of games to play on and escorted him from beginning to end.  This pre-op picture was before he received any "Laugh Juice" and he was already at ease.  Cristy and I got a chance to meet with the nurses and doctors that would be taking part in the procedures and they all gave us a good feeling prior to kissing him good bye.

Everyone sharing a laugh before surgery.

      After the surgeries Evan was groggy, as expected, but in good spirits.  I was really concerned that having the port in his chest might give him pause for concern, however he seems to not mind it.  He's probably just happy he doesn't have to go through all the needle pricks in his arm anymore.
     We were told by a team of doctors prior to surgery (I still don't know their names) that if all the blood and spinal tap tests showed low amounts of leukemia that we'd be released on Friday.  That alone will lift Evan's spirits because I know he misses his bed.  It's probably tough for him to watch Cristy or I go home each night while he has to stay behind.  Fingers crossed we can get out of here and start to return to a routine.
     Star Wars: A New Hope is running for the second time since he got out of surgery and both times he's fallen asleep about 10 minutes in.  I guess I know what to play now when I need him to go to bed.  Evan has responded really well to the treatment and I've gotten a couple glimpses of his fighting spirit that will aid him in the months ahead.    

1 comment:

  1. Steroids are no joke :( I know them too well. Hopefully they helped. just now reading, so behind - Ginny
