Thursday, June 23, 2016

Day 7 - The Scream Machine

     Growing up I was never a fan of roller coasters.  It wasn't until high school that I worked up the courage to get on one and that was only to impress a girl.  We received good news this morning.  Assuming Evan doesn't spike a fever tonight he'll get one more chemo treatment here and then they'll  likely release us tomorrow (Friday June 24th, 2016).
     This of course begs the question: Why the mention of roller coasters?  Well, right now is the first hill of what I expect to be many.  I can almost hear the clicks on the chain of The Scream Machine (a coaster at Six Flags Over Georgia) as we continue to rise in elevation.  The key for Cristy and I will be tempering our emotions throughout this long journey so that for our family's sanity we stay as even keeled as possible, even during the tough times.
     Evan is starting to show bursts of anger due to the twice a day steroid treatments, combined with the various other chemo drugs he's taking daily.  After he's completed his 28 day Induction plan, which includes two more spinal taps, he'll be re-evaluated to confirm the drugs are working as expected in his body.  Hair loss, nausea, vomiting, mood swings are all part of the process.  It's early, but all things considered he's handling it better than I ever would.  The folks here at the hospital have helped with this transition.

Elsa giving Evan a tattoo.

     One of Evan's doctors spoke with Cristy and I today and the scientific side of me had me asking several questions.  She actually seemed to enjoy my curiosity and to her credit she answered all my questions.  It was interesting to hear her historical perspective as well regarding how treatments have changed so much for childhood cancers, even over the last five years.

     Perspective.  For the foreseeable future I can't imagine having a bad day due to someone else's behavior towards me.  Prior to Evan being diagnosed with this ailment I would occasionally come home grumpy from work after sitting in traffic.  I rarely showed it to the family, however Cristy could tell when to come talk to me or when to give me space.  Since last Friday there is no such thing as a traffic jam anymore.  Poor customer service?  Doesn't even phase me now.  There are much bigger things to concern myself with.  It's strange, but I hope that I keep this mindset for some time.

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.  Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.
 - Helen Keller

     Fingers crossed that we get to leave tomorrow.  I close out this blog entry with a couple more pictures from the past couple of days.  You'll see Evan smiling and enjoying his time here, but I expect to see days soon that appear to our souls to be the downhill side of a roller coaster.

The family enjoying the beautiful service dog.

Mario mustache.


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