Monday, June 20, 2016

Day 4 - This Too Shall Pass

Evan banging out some tunes on his drum.
      Monday June 20th, 2016 has been very eventful.  We've had a chance to see just what a wonderful hospital we're really at.  All the treatment and care at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta targets both the physical as well as the mental state of the patients.  Our care has been second to none and I'm confident that it will pay dividends towards Evan's self-esteem as he embarks on his long journey.
      Our day started with a small breakfast of dessert pizza, which he didn't want to eat.  Around 9:00 the hospital's music therapist came through to our room and played requested songs on her guitar and although Evan was tired initially he came around and really found his groove after a couple songs.  We were very fortunate that Cristy and Nolan arrived before the musician left so they too had an opportunity to participate in a couple songs.  This visit alone perked Evan up quite a bit since he is starting to become homesick.  We had many visitors today which also helped perk up Evan's demeanor and I know he appreciates the time together.

      Camp Sunshine is in town this week at CHoA.  They're a group that provide programs for children with cancer.  They had an arts and crafts area, games, free food and a magician.  Evan and Nolan had never seen magic up close so seeing the expressions on their faces, really all the kids, choked me up a bit.  It's days like this that remind me we'll need a support system to help take Evan's mind off of the challenges ahead.

Let the magic show begin.

Nolan catching me taking pictures.

     In addition to fun activities Cristy and I got to meet with several specialists.  The Nurse Practioner, a team of various doctors and administrators, the Oncologist, the Family Therapist and the list goes on.  Whereas before I was hungry for information, today I found myself drinking from the fire hose.  We've been provided with flyers, booklets and medical documents to peruse.  It's going to take some time for us to get up to speed.
     This evening I'm at the house and Cristy is with Evan.  He's got a blood transfusion scheduled this evening, followed by a platelet transfusion in the morning just ahead of his surgery.  Nolan and I will be there first thing to see Evan off before he heads into this life altering procedure.  In the meantime I have a list of drugs a page long to memorize, figure out how to administer said drugs and prepare ourselves as thoroughly as possible for the next 30 days.

     I've tried to play music for the boys over the years to help them appreciate the arts, help with speech and just to have fun.  One song that has been a favorite of theirs for years is titled This Too Shall Pass by OK GO.  As I sat there with the musician this morning watching Evan dance and sing it struck me that this song epitomizes his battle ahead.

Give 'em hell son.

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