On June 17, 2016 around this time (8:45 pm) Evan and I were in an exam room at Scottish Rite awaiting the results from multiple blood draws. It would be later in the evening that we would receive the news that he has leukemia. Instead of looking back on this year negatively I prefer to celebrate our one year anniversary. Sure, we had our ups and downs this year, but Evan is stronger for it and he's shown amazing perseverance each and every day. It's rare that he resists the treatments given to him now as he figures it's a means to an end.
Just another day at the clinic. |
At some point Cristy and I will show a tally of the number or surgeries and procedures he's been through. Looking at Evan's body you can see the scars from the past year. Leg surgeries, arm surgeries, spinal taps, lung operation, port installs and removal are just the ones off the top of my head. The kid has been through the wringer for sure. At one point our time in the hospital for 2016 was rivaling our time out of the hospital, although with improved health the hospital stays have been less frequent.
Heading to Grandma and Grandpa's house. |
This diagnosis has also given us opportunities to meet amazing people and situations that we likely would not have been exposed to. I've seen family and friends come to together and show spirit and strength for us at times of need, we've witnessed amazing heroics from patients and healthcare professionals, we've been given chances to attend functions and trips to help relieve our stresses. All of this would only have been possible by putting us in this position. 2016 was the toughest year of my life and even with Evan's improved health the past 12 months have taken their toll on us physically and emotionally. All I can say is if we're lucky enough to ring the bell signaling Evan's long-term remission I'm going to be a complete mess.
Slowly getting his sweet tooth back. |
Friday afternoon Evan and Cristy returned home from his most recent appointment. Due to the revised plan that he's on he only received Pentamidine and IVIG. His WBC counts were a bit higher than the medical team would like to see, but with all the other drugs and interactions he has going on they decided to leave his chemotherapy dosages as is. The oncologist at the clinic yesterday gave us the approval to enroll Evan into aquatic therapy. His primary Physical Therapist feels this could speed up some of his recovery time because of the reduced stress it would put on his bones and joints.
Decent numbers overall. |
I want to wish a very Happy Father's Day to my dad, Roger Pruitt. He's always made time for my sister and me, given us guidance and been a great role model for us, but with the new wrinkle of also having to continually help us out at a moments notice we see just how lucky we are to have him in our lives. This afternoon we made the trip down to my parent's house to celebrate and enjoyed a great afternoon grilling out, picking vegetables and eating way more than we should have.
Picking some vegetables with Grandpa. |
Water time. Anyone not wanting to get wet better stay inside. |
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