Friday, April 28, 2017

Day 317 - Change of Heart

     In the blog yesterday I mentioned that the ID team wanted to hold Evan until Saturday for additional IV based antibiotics and stay the course with his meds, well, apparently that plan changed in less than 24 hours.  This morning the medical team came through and let us know that ID had updated the plan and were releasing us with Levaquin for the next 5 days.  This is a broad spectrum antibiotic that should treat against various bacteria.
     The drawback to Levaquin is that it can react to Evan's Voriconazole in the form of heart arrhythmia or heart attack.  Prior to leaving the doctors ordered up an EKG exam to test his heart health.  I haven't the faintest idea how to read the results, but they sent us home with a new prescription so I'm under the impression it went well.

Asking the technician about the EKG exam.

     Evan and I got home about an hour ago.  As expected he's bouncing all over the place.  I'm going to try and keep him under wraps for a couple of days.  He's still showing symptoms of a cold (coughing, sneezing, runny nose, etc), but with much less frequency than earlier this week.  His blood counts showed a WBC count of 8 and a CRP of 12.  Both numbers are declining in the right direction.
     We're heading back to the clinic early next week for a follow-up with the oncology team.  They want to run tests to check the health of his liver and spleen and to make sure his Voriconazole level is still therapeutic.  We also need to reschedule his orthopedic appointment to determine if we can start running and jumping.  Glad to be home and I'm hoping for a quiet weekend. 

Playing with Mama.

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