Saturday, April 22, 2017

Day 311 - MRI Results

     Earlier this week Evan visited with his primary Infectious Disease doctor for a check-up and to discuss the results from his MRI conducted a week ago.  We were pleased to hear none of his troublesome areas have worsened.  Here is a brief rundown of the findings:

  • Possible infection in 7th right rib.
  • Right hip shows a spot of potential infection, but could be related to bone marrow aspiration.  Evan's left hip, which had been an area of concern before, appears to have healed.  The ID doctor was going to consult with the Oncology team about his right hip.
  • Feet showed bi-lateral speckled patterns, possibly related to increased physical activity.  These could be minor hairline fractures brought on by a weakening of the bones when he was on best rest.
  • Fungal lesions in liver and spleen.

     The doctor felt continuing our current treatment plan would be best.  This includes his thrice a day Keflex (antibiotic) and twice a day Voriconazole (anti-fungal).  Today Evan will conclude his steroid medication.  If he had poison ivy on his arm the steroids have taken care of it.  His arm looks almost back to normal.  In addition to ridding us of the poison ivy Evan's appetite has seen the typical uptick.  We're trying to take advantage of it by packing him full of calories.
     This morning Cristy and I took the boys to the Big Shanty Festival in downtown Kennesaw.  So much to see, hear and smell and I think Evan might have gotten worn down a bit.  By 11:00 he was ready to get out of there.  Following that we visited a local business to check pricing on a custom built playground for our backyard.  Evan and Nolan liked everything they saw so Cristy and I have some measuring to do and decisions to make.  Hopefully we can get something built in the next month or so once we make our selection.

Getting ready for the parade to start.

     The rest of the day we've tried to pack in with as much fun as possible.  I watched Star Wars: Rogue One with Evan, we had a water balloon fight and Evan created a calendar to countdown the days until he goes to Disney World.  Tomorrow we have our Cure race, although the weather forecast doesn't look good.  Maybe we'll luck out and the rain will hold off long enough for us to finish the 2K.  We had to switch from the 5K to the 2K because strollers weren't allowed in a CHILDREN'S CHARITY RACE!  (Sorry, it's a bit of a sore spot for me)
     This coming week Evan has an appointment to meet with his orthopedic surgeon.  Our physical therapist has asked that we get approval from the Dr. to allow Evan to begin running and jumping.  I noticed today although Evan moves slowly his limp is becoming less and less noticeable.  He and I were walking through a gravel lot at one point and he had issues, but my opinion is this is likely related to him not lifting his feet high enough while walking. 
     Closing out today with a song I found playing around on Spotify.  It's called Born to Win by Five For Fighting.  It reminded me of what a fighter Evan has been and how he'll hopefully be stronger for it.

1 comment:

  1. Evan has a strong support network, and as time passes, he is going to start to get stronger as he feels the confidence and love of those around him. As long as he keeps getting encouragement, he is going to move in a positive direction. Life is short, let him enjoy every second and bloom only how he can do it.

    Kacey @ Glendale MRI
