Thursday, April 27, 2017

Day 316 - Improving blood counts

     It's been a fairly uneventful day at the hospital.  We're still under quarantine until Evan stops showing symptoms of a cold, meaning we can't leave our room.  We've tried to make the best of it by packing in some PT, playing some games and reading.  Other than Monday evening Evan really hasn't acted sick throughout this latest visit.  Every doctor I've seen check him out always makes a comment about how he's acting fine.  Anytime Evan is acting sick then you know something is really wrong.

Commandeering Daddy's laptop.

     Yesterday Cristy got a late afternoon visit from the ID doctor on staff.  He feels very strongly that Evan's CRP and WBC counts are attributed to BOTH the confirmed virus and a bacterial infection.  Keep in mind there is no proof of a bacterial infection, but this doctor is drawing from experience.  I can't say I agree so it was welcome news to my ears when they pulled the Vancomycin this morning.  The plan is to keep Evan on Zosyn for at least two more days.  Cristy and I were both hoping for a Friday release, but the nurse this morning told me her notes show a Saturday departure.  Having never been released on a weekend before I'm still skeptical this will happen.

Switching from PT to his 3DS, but at least he's walking around.

     Late this afternoon the NP on the floor this week came by to let me know they would be restarting the chemotherapy regimen tonight at 8:00.  Her reasoning was his counts are improving and he looks great.  Speaking of which, Evan's WBC was a 15 and his CRP score was an 18.  Both improvements from yesterday and it's good to see him trending in the right direction.  His mucus is clear too so I'm feeling better about his body's ability to fight the virus.  She also gave the approval to lock Evan's port and allow him to come off the IV pole.  We've tried to take advantage of this new found freedom.

More playtime photos.

     We had a visit from two physical therapists today.  Evan was doing great for the majority of the session, but I think he started to feel uncomfortable with one of the exercises and from that point forward refused to cooperate.  It wasn't the therapist's fault, but I think she didn't have Evan's trust yet and he was not willing to push himself.  They left the equipment for us to pick back up on our own and Evan was happy to continue playing with me later.  Over the months Evan has gotten very comfortable with his current physical therapist and I believe this is what allows her to push him to limits he might otherwise reject.

Sit-to-Stand exercises.

     Evan and I are going to finish up with a movie night (Rogue One) and I'm going to try my best to get him to bed at a decent time.  If we get his favorite nurse again tonight I'm afraid he'll stay up talking to her or try to ambush her as she comes in the room.  If he sleeps in until noon again I suppose I'll know what happened.

A custom made beanie from Love Your Melon.


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