Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Day 132 - In and Out

     Hi, Cristy here. Blaine has asked me to update the blog tonight, so all the information would be coming from the horse's mouth. Sorry for being silent on the blog so far, but I didn't want to mess up a good thing he had going.

     Today Evan and I went to the clinic for Day 1 of Delayed Intensification. It was an early morning, beginning with a spinal tap. While he was sedated, they placed a feeding tube (NG tube) in through his nose to his stomach. After waking up and the sleepy medicines started to wear off, Evan started complaining of a sore throat and was trying to get used to the feeling of the tube in the back of his throat. Once he could sit up he ended up chugging some juice, and unfortunately threw it back up along with the feeding tube. So, they pulled it out and decided to try again later.

Evan was less than happy about his new feeding tube.
     Evan then received two IV chemo meds for today: Vincristine and DOXOrubicin. One of the less common side effects of DOXOrubicin is heart damage. As his ECHO yesterday showed some changes in his heart since his last test in July, the doctor also ordered another medication, Zinecard, to be administered immediately before the DOXOrubicin in an effort to help protect his heart. Evan's treatment plan calls for relatively low doses of the DOXOrubicin, and only three times, so she was confident the drug would not have detrimental effects on him. He is scheduled to have another ECHO done again next Thursday, and the doctor said she is expecting his numbers to be higher.

Enjoying some play time while waiting for his medications to infuse. 

     Once his meds were done, and he had some Ativan to settle his stomach, they tried to reinsert the feeding tube again. Obviously, he was awake this time. They had the tube almost in, but he gagged and threw up again. They tried one more time, and it went in with no problems. One of the nurses said she's been working there for 14 years, and he did the best with that of anyone she's ever seen. He was quiet most of the rest of the day, as he was again trying to get used to the feeling of the tube in his throat. We were able to get a little dinner into him, but then it came back up, of course along with the tube again. The equipment to use the feeding tube was not delivered tonight, so I'm hoping the home health nurse that comes tomorrow with the equipment will be able to put another tube in place and we'll try again.

     Evan also started taking steroids again tonight. Bring on the 'roid rage! I'll gladly take the rages, as long as they come with an increased appetite. I am dreading the next two months, but have to keep reminding myself to just take it one day at a time. C'mon Christmas! Day 1 down, 55 to go.

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