Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Day 110 - Awaiting blood results

     Day 2 at the hospital is in full swing, but we're still awaiting answers.  No cultures have grown from the blood or mucus drawn yesterday and additional blood was drawn this morning from Evan's PICC line.  As a preventative measure Ambisome (anti-fungal) and Cefazolin are being administered until more information is known.  The redness under his eyes and various sores over his body don't seem quite as pronounced today, so hopefully either the medications are helping or his body has filtered out the Methotrexate and Vincristine.

Getting in some reading.

     The orthopedic team has taken a look at the ankle Evan had surgery on and has ordered up an MRI for tomorrow morning.  Based on their findings Evan may need another surgery to remove pockets of fluid or infection which showed up on the ultrasound.  The medical team is also discussing whether to image his entire body to verify that no pockets of infection have formed or increased in size.
     Thus far his vitals have remained stable which is a good sign that we're not looking at a bacterial strain.  Until the cultures show something definitive though we're stuck here waiting.  The next chemo session was scheduled for this week, but the Oncology team that came through this morning felt this was a mistake and are going to push him out until next week.

Ninja time.

     Our Nurse Practitioner has told me that the plan is to get us out of here as soon as possible.  Obviously the MRI will hold the key as to how quickly.  He seems in good spirits, is moving around with the assistance of his walker and isn't showing any signs of a critical issue.

A little jam session on the harmonica.

     Earlier today Evan and Cristy got to go meet some players from the Atlanta Falcons.  My wife not being a huge football fan I wasn't able to ascertain who all they got autographs from.  The only player I know for sure from the pictures was Jake Matthews.  Sadly most people signatures are so difficult to read that it's almost impossible for me to use them as a clue.  In any case, Evan got a kick out of it and mentioned to the players that his daddy likes watching them.  They took time to do arts and crafts with the kids are were very hands on.  My sincere thanks to those who sacrificed their time to spend with all the children today.
     Around lunch time Nolan and I finally made it here.  We all got the chance to go meet retired Navy submariners and talk about the boats, see pictures and learn more about life at sea.  As with the Falcons, I'm very appreciative when anyone takes time out of their schedule to spend with others in more difficult situations.  All the volunteers were very kind and gave the boys hats as souvenirs.  As I write this blog Evan is taking a nap in bed still wearing his hat.  All in all its been a good day, but I'm ready to get back home assuming Evan's body cooperates.  More updates tomorrow.

Playing with the mouse trap.


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