Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Day 124 - Intensification start date confirmed

     This morning Evan went to the clinic to have his blood counts checked ahead of his most difficult phase yet, Delayed Intensification.  All counts looked average to good and the oncology team felt comfortable moving forward on Wednesday October 26th.  Throughout this course there will be daily oral medications, spinal taps, intravenous drugs and injections at various times and frequencies.  Cristy and I know there will be tougher days ahead, but we'll tackle it one day at a time and keep pushing each other forward together.

A little fun at the clinic.

     The medical team doesn't have a root cause of the fever from Sunday morning yet.  Nothing has cultured from the blood drawn and Evan hasn't shown any other indications of a root cause.  No coughing, no sneezing and only an occasional runny nose.  The side effects of most of his medications pretty much cover the gambit of symptoms, so it could be that, bacterial, fungal or viral.  It would only be a guess at this point.

Snuggling on the couch.

     The oncology doctor that Cristy and Evan met with today was concerned with the amount of weight Evan has lost overall.  His vomiting has increased since we added Keflex to his daily cocktail.  So whereas it was a chore to gain weight before, now it is seemingly impossible.  The doctor suggested that we have a tube run down his nose to his stomach for IV feeding when he comes in for chemotherapy next week.  This would stay in indefinitely.  The logic being his body will need the extra calories for the battle ahead and it takes some of the burden and stress off of Cristy and I with our efforts of forcing calories into him.

Still has his happy spirit despite the many challenges faced.

     Physical therapy is on-going with no significant updates to report.  We'll stay the course with the exercise regimen that has been approved and hope he turns the corner soon.  Not much else to add at this time.  I'll likely put something up next week ahead of his appointment and a couple of days afterwards.

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