Sunday, October 9, 2016

Day 115 - Say Cheese!

     It's been a fairly quiet weekend for Evan on the healthcare front.  He did get a slight fever of 100.5 last night, but it subsided within 30 minutes.  Fevers can be caused by so many sources that I can't even begin to speculate what might have caused it.  Lucky for us it dissipated before having to take him to the ER.

One of these days I'll teach these kids how to eat ice cream

     Tomorrow morning Evan has a chemo session scheduled, along with a blood draw to determine if his anti-fungals are therapeutic and more troubleshooting of his PICC line.  Cristy and I are hopeful that the Oncology team will share the next phase of chemo.  I read through Evan's release papers from last week and the medical team still has him listed as in remission.  Although no formal tests have been performed, they're likely able to determine this based on his blood counts overall.
     I suspect Evan will feel a little bit out of sorts this week and I wouldn't be surprised to see the red skin patches come back.  PT is on-going this week and we're working hard to get Evan's muscle strength and balance back.

TV time in the basement

     Today Camp Sunshine hosted a photo session for families battling cancer at their facility in Decatur.  This was all free of charge which I am immensely grateful for.  It's been tough for Cristy and I to find time for family photos with all the appointments, commitments and medications we have going on.  I think I've mentioned it before, but if you want to donate to a worthy cause then Camp Sunshine ranks pretty high on my list.  We got a chance to view a few of the photos and I'm pleased to announce that all four of us had our eyes open in the pictures.  The Camp Sunshine coordinator mentioned that they'd have the USB drive sent to us by November 1st with the digital images.

Playing board games at the Camp Sunshine House

     The family and I have been thinking about Cristy's mom over the last few days.  Her health is declining as she's also been battling cancer, along with other various ailments.  We're praying for peace and comfort for her and family during this difficult time.
     Later tomorrow afternoon I'll update the blog with the latest.

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