Greetings blog readers, it's been almost a month since I last provided an update. Let's get started on health. Evan's counts from two weeks ago were strong, although some of it could have been boosted from the week of steroids prior. Here is the rundown:
WBC - 5.2
HGB - 12
Platelets 159
ANC - 3.1
The ANC was a big surprise. Evan has PT tomorrow and his monthly chemo visit at the clinic on Thursday. I don't recall specifics on this visit, but will provide another blog update following his appointment with more details. Over the summer Evan and Nolan have been attending Aurora Day Camp, which I mentioned in a previous blog, and I've noticed Evan's legs getting tired some lately. I'm hoping that by pushing himself physically that he will eventually be able to put mobility and fatigue behind him. For the most part he's getting around well.
Wrong camera! Father's Day dinner with family and friends |
In the coming weeks we have lots of fun things planned for the kids as we continually try to wear them out and expose them to various experiences before school starts back up. There's a new charity that has provided us with an opportunity to meet and take part in fellowship with other families faced with similar challenges. I'll shed more light on it in a couple of weeks. Following that Evan will begin 2nd grade and Nolan will start Pre-K in August. Very excited to watch both of them grow and mature.
Fireworks with the kids on July 3rd |
Not much else to update for today. Below is an assortment of pictures from the last month. Cristy's aunt came to visit the last week in June and we had a great time entertaining her and the kids. I know the boys enjoyed spending time with her as well. Fingers crossed there will be no more surprises during his clinical visit later this week.
Fun with filters |
Wrapping up a fun Father's Day |
A day out with Aunt Holly and Lily |
Monster Mini-Golf with Aunt RuRu |
Ru's first trip to the Center for Puppetry Arts |
Food Truck night in Kennesaw |
Therapist recommends climbing down the wall for added flexibility |
Watching Peter Pan at the Serenbe Playhouse |
Kids wanted a silly photo |
Evan was ready to go inside and see the knights |
Waiting for the show to start at Medieval Times |
Warm-ups before 4th of July fireworks with the neighbors |
Time to play fight |
Cristy helping Nolan get started |
Nolan's version of repelling off the wall |
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