Saturday, November 26, 2016

Day 163 - Killing time

     As we suspected the medical team has decided to keep us here at the hospital this weekend.  Yesterday we received the best news possible in a couple of areas.  Someone from the surgery team came down to take a look at Evan's ankle and to change out his dressing.  Evan was a bit apprehensive about the process since the bandages were sticking to his scab, but after putting some saline on the scab the bandages came off with little effort.  His ankle showed very little redness and it looks like the antibiotics are doing the trick.

Looking good so far.  Antibiotics seem to be doing the trick.

     After the surgeon left we were visited by the ID team.  They found the proper antibiotic to administer by running sensitivity tests against the cultured bacteria.  This is great news because we can administer a drug that is specific to his infection and greatly reduce our chance of c-diff.  The only caveat is the ID team feels that IV based antibiotics are best for a while.  Once they're confident the infection in his bone is gone we'll switch back to oral antibiotics.
     Until the medical team is comfortable that the infection is gone we're holding off on restarting his chemotherapy.  CRP scores will continue to be recorded until his inflammation markers are within an acceptable range.  What that range is will also need to be tailored because Evan's immune system has shown that it's not "standard".  The lowest he's ever registered is a 2.5, but they typically require negative figures.
     The past few days we've been focusing on PT work.  A therapist stopped by yesterday morning and showed us some new exercises we can work with Evan on to keep his core muscles strong until he's able to bear weight.  Another area that we've been keeping a close eye on is Evan's appetite.  He's doing much better since the steroids.  All the nurses that have seen Evan in the past versus now feel like he looks great.

Working with the therapist.  He's not sure what to think at this point.

     Yesterday Evan received a card from his teachers and classmates at Hayes.  I think it was dropped off earlier this week, but Cristy and I hadn't checked the mailbox.  It was a very nice Thanksgiving card and it put a huge smile on Evan's face (and mine).  There's lots of holiday changes taking place at the hospital this week as the decor moves from Thanksgiving to Christmas.  One of the nearby buildings put a Christmas tree on their roof that Evan is able to see from his bed.  When we get back home next week we'll all perform a similar transformation at our home.

Card from classmates and faculty at Hayes.

     I doubt I'll have any other updates until Monday at the earliest.  Until then we'll try to keep our sanity by vegging on TV and finding various activities around here.

Working on his first gingerbread house this year.


  1. Keep thinking positive! haven't been around to see how Evan has been lately. I recently found out what 'c-diff' is because of my Uncle being in the hospital. I hope everything is ok with that too! Keep being positive and beat this :) Going to catch up.
