Sunday, November 6, 2016

Day 143 - Fingers crossed for a few quiet weeks

     The past few days have seen some highs and lows.  On the plus side Evan's appetite is still fairly strong in spite of being off steroids since Wednesday.  In addition to that he continues to work hard in PT and seems much healthier physically.
     Now on to the negatives.  Friday night Evan spiked a fever at the house of 101.3.  The on-call doctor asked us to bring him in and prior to receiving Tylenol in the ER he registered a 102.2.  Because he wasn't showing any other symptoms of being sick we felt pretty sure this was likely related to his most recent session of chemo.  The blood cultures haven't returned anything and if I was a betting man it won't culture.  We have to be on the ready at any moment so Cristy decided to invest in a nicer overnight bag on Saturday.  This appears to be the norm for Evan, sadly Cristy and I are quickly becoming more used to the process.

Just another night in the ER.

     I'm going to chalk this up to one of the drugs he's on, but Cristy and I have started to notice the tops of his arms becoming blood red.  It seems to come and go and we don't see a correlation between temperature, food or another other factors.  We'll mention it to the medical team this week to see if they have any thoughts.  

Evan's room looking more and more like a hospital.

     This coming week Evan has chemotherapy scheduled for Wednesday, which includes another week of steroids starting on that day.  Evan's taste buds have evolved to favor Indian food for the moment, so we've got a week's supply of ingredients to make butter chicken everyday.  I'm not normally a picky eater, but I can't see myself eating the same foods for four or five days straight again.  I'm excited to see what his weight will be on Wednesday.  The feeding tube in the evenings allows us to get even more calories into him and his body looks really good.

Although unintentional, this reminds me of the Leia / Jabba the Hutt scene in Star Wars.

     Hopeful for a quiet week as we get into a dangerous portion of this phase.  On Wednesday I'll provide another update with blood counts and such.

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