Thursday, November 24, 2016

Day 161 - Happy Thanksgiving!

     Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Nolan and I spent the night at my parent's house last night and I got up here around 11:00 this morning.  Mama Pruitt sent me packing with lots of goodies that Evan is beginning to tear into.  So as not to have to shuttle Nolan all over the place for the next few days my parents agreed to keep him with them until Sunday.

Getting in some exercise with Mama.

     There have been quite a few developments today already.  Someone from Orthopedics came in early this morning and pulled the drainage line from Evan's ankle.  His CRP score had dropped from a 12 to a 7.  Naturally Cristy and I were pleased to hear this.  His recovery plan calls for no load bearing exercises for the next 4 - 6 weeks.  Cristy and I are going to try and find alternative PT work we can do on his other core muscles in the mean time.
     Shortly after my arrival this morning the Oncology team came through and let us know the blood cultures were starting to develop.  After the infection is under control they'll re-schedule us for the next half of Delayed Intensification.  Evan isn't showing any other negative symptoms other than the bone/leg infection which is encouraging.  He had a little wiggle room in his chemo schedule because of his body's response so far, so I don't think anyone is concerned with the timing yet.

First Thanksgiving plate of the day.

     Almost immediately after meeting with the Oncology team the ID team stopped in.  Their initial visit was to tell us about the cultures and that he's responding well.  They came back by a short time later and confirmed the infection is E.coli, which is fairly straight forward to treat.  The ID doctor feels keeping Evan on extended antibiotics is the best course of action going forward.  They're running sensitivities against the strain to help determine which antibiotic would be the best for treating it.  We should know more tomorrow.  I was hopeful we might get released tomorrow despite what was forecast earlier, but based on the everyone's non-committal for a date I'd bet it will be Monday still.

Mr. Giggles lighting up the whole floor.

     CURE was hosting a Thanksgiving meal today from Copeland's.  Cristy and I grabbed a plate and continued our annual tradition of the first to 10,000 calories in one day.  I mentioned to one of our nurses how much Evan liked pickles and she went out and got him his own jar.  He's since finished about half a jar all by himself.  I don't know if there is an adverse effect to ingesting this much vinegar, but I guess we'll find out.

I mustache you a question.

     While I wish we were able to spend Thanksgiving together as a family this year I'm confident we're getting treatment that will allow us to resume our tradition next year.  I hope everyone has a great day!
Making the best out of a difficult situation.


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