Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Day 791 - Savor each moment

     Not much to report on the health front with Evan since the last blog was only a couple of days ago.  Today I wanted to talk about enjoying the daily grind and savoring those moments in life that can sometimes seem mundane.  As I've mentioned on several occasions this journey has been so inspiring for so many reasons.  The biggest impact on me has been perspective, but it's also caused me to take notice of other things.

Being silly with the real joker of the family

     Cristy and I have been surrounded by so many strong people over the last two years, far too many to count them all.  Some of these folks have situations much different from ours, particularly those with children that are terminal.  All you can do in those situations is live each day the best you know how and try to make it memorable.  I can remember when Evan was diagnosed and spent the first few months in the hospital battling infections, he was mainly bedridden.  If that had been the end for us I would carried crippling guilt with me for not making the most of our time.

I'll catch a ride with Uber

     Fortunately the doctors got the right cocktail of drugs, combined with his immune system, to combat all the ailments.  Since then Cristy and I have done our best to create as many moments with our children as possible.  With his improved health I still need to remind myself that we are not through yet and continue to maximize our time. 

     To those reading this with loved ones, don't be afraid to let them know how you feel.  A hug, a kiss, words of encouragement, giving your time to others are all ways you can make an impact.  I've tried to be more silly with the kids, available and affectionate for Cristy and more giving of my time for family and friends.  We've met so many strangers who have also had an impact on us and I'm happy to call some of them friends now.  Don't be afraid to test your limits, let your guard down, show compassion for others and make time for those you care about.  Tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone.

Push your limits, even if you're afraid

     In case it got lost in the last blog, Evan's Rally page is up.  I'll provide more details below, including the design (again).

Rally link (Evan's story is towards the bottom of the page): Rally for Evan

     Closing out with a song called Little Wonders that I first heard on a Disney movie called Meet the Robinsons.  In short, it's about fighting through adversity and enjoying the little moments in life.


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