Friday, May 25, 2018

Day 708 - Back on chemo

     Today's blog will be short and to the point.  Wednesday morning Cristy and the boys went to our local CHoA satellite office for Evan's bloodwork.  She went early so that the doctors would have plenty of time to review and get back to us with feedback.  We anxiously waited on a call back and decided to start pestering the medical team around 3:00.  We got a call back around 4:00 from one of the nurses with Evan's counts.  They all picked back up to almost acceptable levels and 0 blasts were found.
     It was welcome news and I was glad to hear that Evan's marrow is producing healthy cells again.  Evan's doctor called back on Thursday to let us know we could resume Evan's chemo plan.  In all Evan was off his meds for 6 days.  We're going to continue weekly blood draws to keep a close eye on Evan's counts.  His ANC was back to a state where Cristy and I are getting more comfortable allowing him out in public. 
     I'll provide another update next week as more information is available on his latest counts.  Thanks to everyone for their prayers and well wishes for Evan's health.

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