After much deliberation Cristy and I have decided that today will be Evan's last day at school. With his counts low and with the main academic items out the way there was no point in risking illness or injury. This morning we attended his school's end of semester/year awards ceremony. I'm pleased to announce he won Principal's Honor Roll for this semester, Principal's Honor Roll for the year and The Leader in Me award for the year for exhibiting strong character. Despite all that's been going on in his life he continues to move forward and has had a strong year academically. Obviously academic achievements are very important, but I'm just as proud of the man he is becoming and how well he has handled adversity.
Nolan getting some dancing in before the ceremony |
I'd like to recognize his teacher this year, Mrs. Devine. She has been a great partner with us, keeping us informed of Evan's progress, working with us when he needs to miss school and she genuinely cares about her students. Thank you for making our 2017 - 2018 year a success.
The boys with Mrs. Devine and Mrs. LaCroix |
Annual leadership award |
Not much to report on the health front. Cristy and I have decided to wait until Wednesday before we go for another blood draw to check counts. Our doctor indicated it can take up to two weeks to notice a difference because the chemo drugs typically stay in the system for that amount of time. Realistically I don't have any expectations either way, but I'm hopeful the counts lead the doctors in a direction that allows for a decision versus more wait and see.
Principal's Honor Roll for the semester |
In all the excitement on Thursday I forgot to report on Evan's visit with his orthopedic doctor Wednesday afternoon. After giving Evan a good once over and reviewing his scan he was happy to report that the growth plate in his right leg, once previously thought dead, is growing new bone. Everything appears to be healed/healing as expected. With any luck Evan will continue to grow like any other child his age and we no longer have to consider killing one of the growth plates in his left leg.
Early morning ortho appointment with Ronnie Milsap |
Principal's Honor Roll for the year |
As more information becomes available I will continue providing updates. Cristy and I have tried to remain positive and I'm hoping that this is another dip in this on-going roller coaster ride.
Killing time at the clinic |
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