Sunday, December 31, 2017

Day 563 - Happy New Year's Eve

     Well, we've made it to another milestone; today we're going to celebrate what an amazing year 2017 has been.  Tomorrow we'll begin looking forward to everything that 2018 has to offer.  We all had a great Christmas and I've been fortunate enough to have this past week off.  Cristy's brother, Rhod, came and visited the week before and naturally the boys were really glad to get to spend some time with him.  I fear they may have gotten him sick while here, so hopefully he's on the mend.  It was great spending time with loved ones and tonight we're excited to have family and friends over to ring in the new year.

Playing Pie Face for the first time.

     On the health front Evan had his monthly chemo appointment on Wednesday.  This is one of his quarterly steroid and Vincristine treatments, along with a spinal tap.  His counts looked really good.  I don't have them in front of me right now, but his ANC was a 1.4 and all his other numbers were right where the doctors wanted them.  Evan hasn't had any fevers since our last blog post and only coughs occasionally.  Of note the doctors are increasing his Vincristine dosage to more closely mirror a "normal" leukemia patient.  What I mean is Evan's chemo plan was modified specifically for him because of the number of complications he had early on.  Also, the nurse tending to us confirmed that Evan's scheduled chemotherapy completion date is late August 2019.

Sleeping off anesthesia following his spinal tap.

Came to bed earlier this week to two kids in bed.

     It's amazing to see the difference between 2016 and 2017.  Last year we purposely isolated ourselves to minimize germs in the house.  This year we're entertaining and expecting a long night.  The only downside will be the unseasonably cold temps.  I plan on shooting a large amount of fireworks so we'll have to find a way to keep everyone bundled up and warm throughout.  I'm so thrilled to be able to share this special day with so many people that we care about.
     The Pruitts want everyone to have a happy New Year.  If you decide to drink please designate a driver or use Uber/Lyft.  We hope to see all of you in 2018 safe and sound!

Making a ginger bread house.

Cookies and milk for Santa.

Twas the Night Before Christmas reading.

Excited about his new tablet.

Opening presents at Grandma's.

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