Thursday, December 22, 2016

Day 189 - Q and A with Evan

     Christmas is almost upon us and the Pruitt household is buzzing with excitement.  We still have our daily and weekly tasks/appointments, while also trying to fit in shopping, wrapping, cleaning and family time.  I'm happy to announce we've decided to move the annual Christmas celebration to our house this year.  In almost every year past my parents have hosted, but due to the challenges Evan's situation presents we decided that doing it here would make the most sense.

Trying to wake up.

     Evan's next scheduled medical appointments aren't until the 28th, however we did increase his PT sessions from once a week to twice.  With work being slow at this time of the year, and at Evan's request, I took him to his appointments this week.  The therapist is very happy with his progress and assuming the surgeons give him an all clear next week she already has some ideas around restoring his ability to walk.  No news on the chemotherapy or cancer front.  We'll find out more next Wednesday.  Until then we continue to administer drugs for this interim phase.

Nolan loves playing doctor.  My hat is part of his uniform.

     As most can imagine the boys LOVE Christmas.  The gifts, food, music and movies are just a few of the reasons.  For anyone who has contributed to their enjoyment this holiday season I just want to say thank you.  Seeing smiles on their faces are the only gifts I need.
     Now on to Evan's question and answer results.  He was a bit apprehensive to the process and unsure of his responses, but I have to keep reminding myself he's only five.  Nevertheless, he handled a few of the tougher questions with grace and it told me that he has the right mindset for the months and years ahead.  For accuracy sake I've tried to leave all the responses in their verbatim form.

Question: Tell me about yourself?
Evan: I don't have anything to say about myself.

Question: How old are you?
Evan: Five.

Question: Do you have a favorite school subject?
Evan: Hmm....making books. (English)

Question: What sort of books?
Evan: I make up my own books and write them down so I can sell them.

Question: What do you like to do for fun?
Evan: Write books and play video games.

Question: What is your favorite food?
Evan: Boiled peanuts.

Question: Do you have a favorite movie or movies?
Evan: Harry Potter, Narnia and Pirates of the Caribbean series.

Question: For someone meeting you for the first time, what would you tell them about yourself?
Evan: I don't know.

Question: What do you think about having cancer?
Evan: I don't have any questions. I don't really think about it.

Question: What do you want to do when you get older?
Evan: Be an author and/or inventor.

Question: What's your favorite memory?
Evan: Going to Dave and Buster's to play video games.

Question: What's the most uncomfortable you've been since being diagnosed?
Evan: When I was in the hospital for two months. (Nothing specific was given)

Question: What has been the most difficult procedure, drug or surgery so far?
Evan: The leg surgeries.

Question: What would you tell other children finding out they have cancer for the first time?
Evan: It will be okay.

Question: What did you think about when you found out you were going to lose your hair?
Evan: That I really didn't want to lose it.

Question: How long do you want to let it grow once you're through with chemotherapy?
Evan: As long as Rapunzel. (Cristy and I agreed to let him grow it long when the time is right)

Question: Where do you want to go once we're through with treatment?
Evan: The beach, the aquarium, White Water, Dave and Busters.

Question: What is your favorite sport to play?
Evan: Soccer.

Question: What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time?
Evan: Write books and play video games.

Word Association.  Tell me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear these words
Momma - I want to hug her.
Daddy - I want to play with daddy.
Nolan - I want to play with him.
Grandma / Grandpa - I really want to go see them.
Holly - I want to go to her house.
Lily - I want to go to her house.
Camdyn - That I want to play with her.
Debra - That I want to play with her.
Quitting - I don't ever want to quit.
Pain - Kind of don't like it.
Cancer - I don't like it.
Surgery - It's going to hurt.

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