Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Day 181 - Chemotherapy plan uncertainty

     We're approaching a milestone as we're almost six months into our life changing journey.  Evan is in good spirits overall and has adjusted exceptionally well to his treatment and lifestyle changes.  From a cancer perspective he's still in remission, however there is another two and a half years of chemotherapy still ahead of us.

BB-8 sitting through a PICC flush.

     Cristy and Evan visited the clinic this morning to meet with the ID and Oncology teams.  ID was satisfied that the infection is under control and switched Evan from Rocephin to Keflex for the next six-to-nine months.  Evan's primary Oncologist has not made a decision on what his long-term plan looks like.  The Oncology team was to meet this week and try to nail down what his treatment plan will look like.  I was hoping for more concrete answers, but it looks like much of the same for the time being.
     There was a blood draw this morning and for the first time the results were sent to an Immunologist.  I'm rather curious what data they'll be able to derive.  His blood counts looked very solid, with an ANC around 4.0.  In a healthy person this would be more than enough to fight of infections, both bacterial and viral, but with Evan you just never know.  In the coming year I'm optimistic that we'll receive answers to some of these lingering questions.
     Evan's physical therapy has been going well.  He's working with us and the therapist without much fuss.  In addition to that he's really picking up educational concepts around math and reading at a very good pace.  His mental and physical state are improving daily and this is encouraging to me.  He's always got a smile on his face and tries very hard to get better each day.  I couldn't have said the same things about three months ago.

A little fun in the tub.

     It may be time to cut back on Evan's daily calories.  His weight gain is up to 23.7 kg (52 lbs), which is higher than when he was even diagnosed!  The nightly Ensure feedings can probably be tailored back some.  Ideally I would like to see him continue to eat and get his nutrients that way if at all possible.
     The plan is to stay the course and finish this revised schedule.  It should run until until shortly after Christmas.  At that time the Oncology team is supposed to have made final decision on his remaining treatments.

Family hug time.


  1. Keep fighting Evan!! you got this kid!!!

  2. Thanks guys! Hope the Smith family is doing well!

  3. Hello sweet Pruitt family, I miss you guys and sending holiday cheer your way! You're awesome Evan, keep going champ!!!! Miss hearing you say hello from your deck....please move back :-) Ms. Adrienne
