Monday, September 5, 2016

Day 81 - Thank goodness for Netflix

     It's been almost a week since our last entry.  Evan is doing well overall.  As usual of late our time is spent focused on getting him upright and walking without assistance, gaining weight and keeping him mentally stimulated.  He still experiences nausea and some vomiting due to the Bactrim on the weekends, but for the most part he's doing better about holding his food down.

Nolan loves rubbing Evan's head.

     Evan has been battling a small cough for about a week now.  It's most notable in the morning and seems to fade throughout the day.  There's usually mucus associated with it which tells us his immune system is handling it.  I'll be a bit more concerned in another week once his blood counts start to take a dip from his last session of chemotherapy.  We'll definitely keep a close eye on it.

Late night fun with slingshot rockets.

     Our PT work is slowly having a positive effect.  My goal is for him to be able to walk again by the end of the month.  This morning we worked on walking without any assistance and he's still very shaky.  I was very proud of him for trying to put in the work without complaint.  Over the next week I'll try to provide less and less counter-balance in an effort to strengthen his legs, improve his balance and just as importantly gain confidence in himself.

Decorating cookies with Hannah.

     For the coming week we have a PICC line dressing change on Tuesday, school and blood work on Wednesday and another session of chemo on Friday.  Cristy's family is set to come down this week and the boys are looking forward to their visit.  Wrapping up with a couple more photos from the past week.

Excited about his Happy Meal toy.

Slowly getting more comfortable on his feet.


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