Greetings friends and visitors. If you're reading this in the month of May then you understand what a unique couple of months we've all experienced. The coronavirus epidemic is unprecedented, or at the very least hasn't been seen in any of our lifetimes. Those of you who know me well probably think I'm going to write a blog focused on the science and data that is currently being debated regarding the virus, but today's blog will be quite the opposite. Instead I wanted to shed some light on what emotions other cancer families are likely feeling right now.

Being the father of two young boys, one of them a cancer survivor off of treatment since September, I naturally feel concern that the virus could infect one of them. I suppose you could argue the fact that this virus seems to have a much larger impact on our older population and those with preexisting conditions; however, I would take no comfort in knowing that we could potentially jeopardize the life of someone else. I certainly hope that if Evan's immune system is called into action that it responds as expected. Cristy and I are in relatively good health and we take daily Flintstones vitamins, so this virus has no chance against us.
Imagine you or someone you love has no immune system to protect it against infections. Regardless of this particular virus, the threat of an infection exists and there would be little you could do to stop it. In the case of bacterial infections antibiotics can only do so much. The body's immune system has to step in and help at some point. This was the main reason Evan had so many issues with infections in his body early on in treatment.
Evan decided on a black waterproof cast |
My heart truly goes out to all the families in treatment during this difficult time. Immuno-suppressed individuals are at such at great risk that I can understand any apprehension in going out or opening your home to anyone. When Evan was undergoing treatment and immuno-suppressed we spent close to eight months in a pseudo quarantine state. Granted I was going in to work daily, but weekends consisted of us staying at home. We went to great lengths to ensure cleanliness at our house with constant hand washing being a small component of that. Evan had a PICC line at that time and was getting twice daily blood thinner shots in his stomach. Let's just say the risk for infection was well above average.
The family having a virtual birthday party for our friend Debra |
I would never tell another person how to live their life. There could be any number of reasons for going out right now, such as earning money for bills to a strong belief in personal freedoms. What I will say is cancer families right now are probably on pins and needles hoping for a vaccine and a return to normal as quickly as possible. My plans are to stay home and continue to minimize my contact with the outside. My family and I are in a fortunate position to be able to do this. We've been through this sort of grind before and while we don't necessarily enjoy quarantine, we realize it's a means to an end.
In good spirits despite the broken arm |
Buckle fracture on both bones of his forearm |
Wrapping up with some long overdue photos of the boys. You'll notice in the more recent ones that Evan broke his left arm last week falling off the playset. Luckily it wasn't too serious and we learned today while getting his cast that he's looking at a 3 - 4 week recovery time. I wish everyone continued good health and hopefully financial prosperity in this most difficult time. Stay safe, use good judgement when around others and we'll bounce back from this before you know it.
Evan conceived a dance party, complete with playlist and snacks |
A mixology night with some of their favorite drinks |