Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Day 1262 - Follow-up on Nolan

     On the last blog post I ended with a commentary about Nolan and how he's not been feeling well lately.  Cristy and I went with him for his next appointment the following day.  They took blood work and gave him another once over.  I'm happy to report his white blood cell count had dropped from 27 to 13.  After giving him another close once over the doctors determined that he had pneumonia (viral).

     We were told to keep a close eye on him for additional fevers (none so far) and that in about 7 - 10 days he would be good as new again.  If he's too active his coughing fits seem to flare up, but otherwise he's in good shape.
     Closing out with a few photos from a trip to Rock City compliments of Camp Sunshine.  We had a great time with some of our close friends and I'd definitely like to go back.

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