Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Day 1262 - Follow-up on Nolan

     On the last blog post I ended with a commentary about Nolan and how he's not been feeling well lately.  Cristy and I went with him for his next appointment the following day.  They took blood work and gave him another once over.  I'm happy to report his white blood cell count had dropped from 27 to 13.  After giving him another close once over the doctors determined that he had pneumonia (viral).

     We were told to keep a close eye on him for additional fevers (none so far) and that in about 7 - 10 days he would be good as new again.  If he's too active his coughing fits seem to flare up, but otherwise he's in good shape.
     Closing out with a few photos from a trip to Rock City compliments of Camp Sunshine.  We had a great time with some of our close friends and I'd definitely like to go back.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Day 1255 - Thanksgiving is fast approaching

     It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is fast approaching and 2019 will soon be coming to an end.  I don't need a holiday devoted to thanks to help me appreciate the blessings afforded to me and my family.  Evan's continued health is just one of the things we're thankful for.  Three years ago Cristy, Evan and I spent our Thanksgiving in the hospital (Nolan was in excellent hands with my folks).

First day on the Disney Dream
Cape Day 2019
Cristy getting ready to leave for Tribute to Quiet Heroes

     Over the last two months we've had the good fortune of experiencing so many great moments; bi-annual Camp Sunshine trip, Cure's Tribute to Quiet Heroes, Halloween, pumpkin carving, Nolan playing soccer, our first Disney cruise and a Georgia Tech football game (the first for both boys).  In addition to this I'm so proud of how well they're doing in school.  During a recent parent-teacher conference I was pleased to hear how behaved both kids were socially and they both received the Principal's Honor Roll for their grades.  I jokingly mentioned this on Facebook, but I'm very grateful that our kids take after Cristy scholastically.  In my youth I didn't always treat school with the right priority and I'm hoping that the kids continue growing and don't stray down my path.

     Since the last blog update Evan has had a couple of clinic appointments.  Both visits showed marked improvements with his blood counts from then to now.  After being off of steroids for a bit I was hoping he'd be a little less moody, but it appears this is just a phase he's going through as an individual.  Overall he's a great kid, but he's very independent and fights us tooth and nail to get what he wants.

     Last week Evan visited his orthopedic doctor and we received excellent news:  he's all clear for any activity!  Naturally we'll see what Evan wants to do in the spring, but he wanted to play soccer prior to being diagnosed.  If he still has that mindset I'm happy to sign him up for his first season and work with him on his leg strength and stamina.

     Even though this is a blog about Evan, over time it's morphed to cover the whole family.  For the last couple months Nolan has battled a number of ailments.  These include double ear infections, numerous fevers and Hand Foot and Mouth virus. 

This was actually the tail-end of HFM

     Last evening he spiked a fever of 101.3 and we gave him Tylenol.  This didn't break the fever which forced us to give him Ibuprofen two hours later.  His temperature continued to fluctuate through the night between follow-up doses.  Cristy took him to the doctor this morning and I urged them to take blood this time.  They found his white blood cell count at a 27 (this is incredibly high).  We go back tomorrow for a follow-up appointment and the practical side of me says it's probably just an infection or virus, but this brings back so many memories.  I'm unusually nervous and gun shy.  Hoping tomorrow we can find the root cause of his symptoms and get him on the path to recovery.  I don't want to see another child have to go through the battle again.

     Wherever you find yourself this Thanksgiving I hope you're able to take a moment and reflect on the positive things in your life.  Tons of pictures below celebrating the last 60 days.

Getting ready to disembark for the cruise

Enjoying our last days at the beach for 2019

My little soccer pro

Ran into our old neighbor while passing through Atlanta
