Sunday, August 4, 2019

Day 1148 - Our big day has been pushed to August 9th

     Today's blog entry is simply a bridge to get us by until August 9th.  Evan's final day at the clinic got rescheduled from August 5th until August 9th.  With that in mind today's entry will be pretty short.

     Health-wise we have nothing to complain about.  Evan is doing well and started the 3rd grade on Thursday.  Nolan also started kindergarten at Hayes with his big brother and he's very excited.  Other than some bruising, from typical 7 year-old behavior, nothing else to report.  On his upcoming visit to the clinic he'll get his quarterly spinal tap, Vincristine, Pentamidine and IVIG.  

     Cristy and I are going to try and put together a tally of all his procedures, surgeries, clinic visits, etc.  Some of this can be done via his Beads of Courage, some will be educated guesses, but we're hoping the hospital can provide us with a breakdown as well.  I have no doubt it will be jaw dropping for us to learn of everything our little fighter has been through over the last 3+ years.

Heading out for the first day of school 2019

     A couple of weeks ago Cristy, Evan and Nolan got to go to a house in North Carolina for the week compliments of Believe in Tomorrow.  We're very thankful to them for allowing us to spend some time together as a family and to get away from the normal bustle of our daily routine.  Please see below for some of the photos from their week.   Yesterday Evan, Nolan and Cristy got to spend some time with one of our friends who hosted our family with Lighthouse Family Retreat.  She's heading west to attend the University of Missouri.  Best of luck to you Addison!  We know you'll do great!

Good luck Addison!

     As mentioned, this is a shorter blog.  See below for some pictures from the past few weeks.  I expect the blog entry on the 9th to be one of the longest ones yet.

A little Dunkin' Donuts

Showing off his WVU pajamas with Matthew and Hannah

Singing Happy Birthday to Grandpa

Pinnacle Falls

Hanging out at the NC mountain house

Enjoying some "wine" at the Biltmore

The boys first game at SunTrust Park

The kids first wrestling match at Southern Fried Gaming Expo

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