Monday, December 31, 2018

Day 934 - Happy 2019!

     Here we sit preparing to celebrate an amazing 2018 and looking forward to the challenges and triumphs that 2019 is sure to present.  Let me start by thanking everyone who has helped provide my family with memories and goodwill over the last year.  As we wrapped up 2017 I was filled with so much gratitude and hope for the future and the last 12 months have done nothing to dampen this feeling.  Saying I'm thankful for the many blessing that my family and I have enjoyed would be an understatement.

     During Evan's last appointment on Thursday his counts were all a bit high.  The doctors weren't too concerned since Evan has been battling a cold and his body is doing its part to rid him of it.  They decided to hold off increasing any dosages until they get another month of data.  On the plus side they said he looked good overall.  He received his standard dosages of IVIG and Pentamidine.  Of late Evan seems to be really hard on himself.  I don't know if I'd call it depression, but as a precaution Cristy mentioned it to the doctor and met with a child psychologist while Evan was napping.  She gave us some suggestions to try in the short-term.  If he still seems to be battling guilt we'll schedule an appointment to dig in a bit deeper.

Getting ready for Santa

     Having addressed Evan's health I now want to talk about the growth of each child in 2018.  Academically Evan continues to thrive.  He is regularly commended for being a solid student, attentive and good with the other kids.  Personality wise he comes off as moody and with this being my first 7 year old I don't know if this is because of the drugs he's on or if he's developing as expected.  Regardless, he does have a good heart and surprises me often with his maturity and calmness amid chaos sometimes.  Our focus in 2019 will be continued physical growth, particularly in his right leg.

A night at the theatre - compliments of Camp Sunshine

     Nolan is still our happy-go-lucky kid who never seems to get down.  Sick, healthy, tired, awake, hungry, full - he never changes his disposition.  When discouraged he typically just goes with the flow and makes the most out of any situation.  It's been said by others before, but we really are lucky to have someone so easygoing for this journey, especially when plans each day can change so drastically based on medical needs.  Areas of development in 2019 will be in his school work, focus and persistence to work through problems on his own.  
     I'm so fortunate to be on this journey with my partner in crime Cristy.  Dealing with three boys on a daily basis is surely no walk in the park and I know I present a whole different set of challenges for her to deal with.  As with every year since I've been married my goal is always to improve as a husband.  Our situation helps me reflect on other areas of my life and put them into perspective and I hope I've grown as a spouse, father, son, brother, uncle, friend and co-worker.

     Wherever you find yourself this new year please have a great time, take care of yourself, be safe and I'll see you when the calendar turns.  Thank you all again for making this year so special for me and my family, I am forever grateful.

A night out looking at Christmas lights

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