Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Day 894 - Happy Thanksgiving! (2018 Edition)

     Tomorrow my family and I will celebrate Thanksgiving down at my parents' house.  2018 has been a very good year for us and I'm going to use today's blog to expand on some of the things I'm grateful for.  Naturally with this being Evan's blog I'm so very thankful for his continued good health.  Other than the broken arm earlier this year he's been very stable.  Last week he was battling a bit of a cough and congestion, but he seems to have bounced back with no ill effects.

Turkey Fever has hit

     In addition to Evan's good health, I'm thankful that many of those in my life are doing really well, health or otherwise.  I'm thankful for a solid job with great co-workers, friends that accept me despite all my flaws, the roof over my head, and of course I'm grateful for being married to my best friend.  As we sit at the table tomorrow with friends and family I hope I'm able to take a moment to reflect on all I've been blessed with and remember those who haven't been as fortunate or are no longer with us.
     Next weekend Cristy takes part in the St. Jude 10K weekend in Memphis.  It's not too late to make a donation should the urge strike you.  It's tax deductible and you'd be contributing towards a great cause.  Also happening next week is Evan's monthly chemo appointment.  This includes his LP and week of steroids.  I should probably stock up on Del Taco gift cards for him since I know he's going to eat his weight in tacos once the steroid side effects kick in.

Cristy and Nolan doing a little yard work

     Closing out with various photos from the last couple of weeks.  Earlier this week the family and I went to Great Wolf Lodge for a few days with my sister and niece.  It was a great time and I enjoyed getting some exercise and making memories with everyone.  Have a happy Thanksgiving and should you decide to brave the crowds on Friday make sure to keep your sanity and be safe.

Day 1 at GWL

Getting ready for a morning of MagiQuest

Evan and I got on the bridge to squirt people floating by

Monday, November 5, 2018

Day 878 - Updated counts

     Last week Evan went for his monthly clinic visit.  I'm happy to report that his counts were all ideal for this stage of treatment.  This appointment only included IVIG and Pentamidine, but next month he'll receive his quarterly spinal tap (Methotrexate), Vincristine infusion, along with IVIG and Pentamidine. I believe he'll also get his week of steroids.

Latest blood counts for Evan

     This past weekend the family and I joined our friends, the Harts, for a pediatric brain cancer walk at Piedmont Park.  It was fun hanging out with them as the kids genuinely enjoy it as much as we do.  The weather was fantastic and it was good getting out for a bit.  As if this needed to be stated, I hate cancer in all its forms.  The next morning I learned that a friend of mine lost his wife to brain cancer.  It was a short time frame from her diagnosis to her passing.  There's got to be a better way to treat cancer and I hope I see a cure during my lifetime.  My sincere condolences to their family during this difficult time.
     Next month Cristy is participating in the St. Jude Marathon Weekend 10K.  As such we are helping raise money for this charity.  St. Jude never charges a bill to their patients or families and are regularly on the cutting edge of pediatric cancer research.  Below is a link to Cristy's team page if you'd like to make a donation along with a link I posted about St. Jude's early years and leukemia treatment breakthrough.  It wasn't that long ago that leukemia was virtually a death sentence.  It's a long read, but always has me in tears by the end thinking of all the children this process has been able to save.

St. Jude 10K Marathon Weekend - Cristy's Team Page

St. Jude - Anatomy of a Cure

     Wrapping up with some pics from Halloween and from this past weekend.

Starry Nights 5K at Piedmont Park

Happy Halloween!

Evan reading to Nolan before Trick-or-Treating