It's that fundraising time of year again. Cristy, the boys and I will be participating in our second Walk For Wishes 5K at Stone Mountain on May 5th. If you're free for the day and would like to join our team we'd love to have you; however, if you're unable to make it, but would like to make a contribution that would also be greatly appreciated.
What most people don't realize about Make-A-Wish is that they not only grant many children with life-threatening diseases their wish, but they also collaborate with the family to help tailor the wish and provide so much more than expected. Evan's wish was to visit with Jack Sparrow at Disney World. I won't go into the details as its already been blogged before, although I need to add that the vacation was amazing and more than we could have ever imagined. Give Kids the World, Disney, Universal Studios and The International Association of Amusement Parks all contributed to making Evan feel so loved during our stay in Orlando. Please find the link below if you'd like to make a donation.
This type of planning, funding and coordination isn't free unfortunately so they need your help! Our goal is a modest $1,000 as a family. I will do everything I can to make sure we exceed this number. It's important to us to make sure we pay it forward for other families trying to navigate the difficult waters they may be facing.
On the health front we haven't had much change. Evan still has a nagging cough in the mornings, Nolan is battling something significant and I can't seem to shake a cold that I picked up a few weeks ago. Cristy is by far the healthiest of the four of us at the moment. My hopes are Evan can get his cold under control ahead of his next chemo appointment. This month he'll get an LP, steroids, an increased dose of Vincristine, IVIG and Pentamidine.
Camping in the basement last weekend |
A couple weeks ago Cristy and I took the boys to Gatlinburg, TN. I wasn't sure what to expect and my biggest fear was that it was going to be cheesy. I was pleasantly surprised and the boys had a great time. In typical Cristy fashion we were constantly on the go trying to fit as many activities in as possible. In today's blog you'll see a few photos of the boys enjoying themselves. I'd love to find a weekend to go again with some other families.
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