Sunday, May 14, 2017

Day 333 - Happy Mother's Day!

     Today's blog is going to have a slightly different focus.  Sure, we're going to cover health, but I want to put some focus on a couple of special people in Evan's life who don't get much attention.  The first is my amazing wife Cristy.  When it comes to being a parent she is a natural.  She hems and haws when I tell her stuff like that.  The truth is Evan has the most detail oriented person I know watching over him every day.  Whether it's medications, maintenance of an IV or port, school work or meals Cristy does it all.  She functions on so little sleep that I don't know how she stays upright most of the time.  Did I mention that she also finds time for me and Nolan?  Cristy is the engine that keeps this family going.

Pre-race photo from the Swift-Cantrell Classic 5K.

     Another person who is very giving of their time is my mother, Sharon Pruitt.  Whether it's hospital visits, emergency baby sitting or spending time with the kids she always helps with a smile on her face.  Evan and Nolan (along with my niece Lily) are very lucky to have such a loving person in their lives.  Speaking for Evan and Nolan I don't think there's a place they'd rather be than Grandma's house.  It doesn't hurt that she spoils them rotten either.
     Now on to Evan's health update.  Earlier this week he met with the orthopedic surgeon for a checkup.  Nothing new to report.  He thought Evan looked great and could tell he was feeling much better than the last time he saw him.  Evan also had a follow-up with the Oncology team.  His blood counts looked good.  The doctor on duty that day was a bit concerned with Evan's red skin, most likely from the Methotrexate.  She's going to talk with the other Oncologist and someone from ID to see what can be done to minimize the peeling, burning, etc.
     Earlier this week Evan was able to participate in Field Day at his school.  He reported to me that he had fun, but couldn't remember what events he did!  Fortunately Cristy volunteered to chaperone that day and was able to sneak in a couple photos.  Evan's walking posture still looks a bit labored, but as long as he keeps putting in the work he should make a full recovery.  He enjoys riding his bike and it's one of the exercises that our PT prefers we do.

Sneaky candid photo from Field Day.

     This week Evan has a few appointments.  One all day chemotherapy clinic visit, physical therapy and a follow-up meeting with the ID team.  I know we're stuck with some form of anti-fungal for the foreseeable future, but I'd like to talk with the doctor to see if there is another drug that we could switch too.  Methotrexate alone shouldn't cause the red skin that Evan experiences.  I'm curious if it's conflicting with one of his other medications.  

Bat spin race.

     Closing out with a reminder about the Make A Wish 5K this coming weekend.  Cristy and I are still lobbying for donations to help a very wonderful cause.  The links for donations can be found on the previous blog entry.  Thank you so much to those that have donated thus far!  

Getting better with the bike each day.

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