Saturday, March 25, 2017

Day 283 - Celebrating Easter a little early

     We are two days removed from Evan's surgery and right now the only noticeable side effect is a rash on his stomach and arm.  They could be from two different things, but without a biopsy no one could say for sure.  Evan hasn't reported any discomfort or pain.  He continues to run around the house like any amped up five year old would.  We called the on-call doctor this morning about the rash and he indicated we should just keep a close eye on it and call back if it worsened.

Rash on stomach.  Likely from the Betadine.

Rash and irritation on right arm.  2 of 3 incisions from port install.

Right torso.

     This morning we played around the house for a while and then cleaned up and headed to the Camp Sunshine Easter Party.  They had snacks, music, games for the kids, face painting, a magician, but most importantly an Easter egg hunt.  The weather turned out really nice and allowed us to make the most out of it.  In the pictures you'll see we were all over the place.  It's always great seeing all the kids, not just mine, having such a great time.  The volunteers and staff go out of their way to make sure the kids have a memorable experience.
     Originally slated for chemo on Friday, it appears there may be a conflict.  We'll find out early next week if they want to see Evan earlier or later in order to complete Interim Maintenance.  I'm anxious to see how his body responds in the coming weeks.  There's no doubt the Methotrexate is causing him some issues.  His appetite has shriveled up again and he's beginning to lose weight.  I'm optimistic that once he's done with the harsher chemo his body can sufficiently defend itself.
     Closing out with some photos from today.  The boys had a great time and I have no doubt they'll sleep well tonight.

Chilling with EB.

Chalk art.  Notice me and Nolan in the background.

Nothing says fun like pollen and bubbles.

Finishing our egg and basket.

Evan was chosen as a volunteer for the magician.

A couple of moms helping me get Evan around (Cristy was chasing Nolan).

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