Thursday, September 22, 2016

Day 98 - Surgery has been rescheduled

     Sorry for the late response on this.  I know Cristy and I have gotten several questions lately about how Evan was doing post surgery.  After a review of his right arm the surgeon decided to refer Evan to an orthopedic surgeon.  The doctor that was going to perform the work originally thought it was a simple removal of some cyst nodes, but after seeing one was located in his wrist joint felt more comfortable deferring.

Making personal pizzas with his brother.

     At this time Cristy and I are still awaiting word on when this procedure will be rescheduled.  The doctors aren't positive what is causing the growths and won't know for sure until they perform another biopsy.  Unfortunately they found another growth up his forearm under the skin.  Purely based on look and feel the doctors think this is more fungal legions and his body's attempt at walling them off.
     School and PT are on-going and Evan is getting better with both.  Cristy and I have both been pushing Evan to do more, mentally and physically, and I'm very proud of how he's responding.  He sometimes gets upset and talks back, but more often than not he is beginning to trust the process.  As more information becomes available I'll provide more updates, hopefully in a more timely fashion.

Bike work with the physical therapist.

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