Monday, June 5, 2017

Day 355 - Trip to Orlando (Day 7)

     We're back!  It was exhausting, but definitely the best vacation I can remember in quite some time.  We had a great time and I just want to thank everyone who helped play a role, such as: Make A Wish, Give Kids the World, Disney, Universal, etc.  If I'm forgetting anyone please don't hold it against me.

Let's get going dad!

     We decided to pass on Sea World this morning and instead hung around the resort a bit longer to get in a few more things.  Evan said he wanted to play putt-putt after breakfast (but really I think he was just avoiding the drive home) so we did that.  Rode the carousel a couple more times, visited the gift shop and then met with a GKTW representative to checkout.

One last ride before the trip home.

     GKTW provided us with a disc of the many photos taken during our time there, a free pass for all four of us to any park in Orlando (expires in a year), another star for Evan to take home and a week's worth of memories that we won't forget anytime soon.  Below you'll see my favorite pictures from the resort, but rest assured I'll be posting more soon.  Time to get back to the daily grind.  LOTS of photos below.

Disney Characters

Christmas in June

Pirates and Princesses Party

Horseback Riding

Universal Characters

Mickey Mouse


  1. I'm way behind but was so happy to see this trip, hope the boys had so much fun! I for some reason really love the pictures with Woody Woodpecker! I'm hoping that Evan was able to enjoy his trip and it looks like he did!

    1. Thanks Ginny! The whole family really needed this trip and it couldn't have turned out better. I hope years from now the boys remember it as fondly as I will.
