Monday, February 6, 2017

Day 235 - One more test

     Ideally I'd be writing this blog with the family all under one roof, but the doctors decided to run one more test before releasing Evan.  The ID doctor wanted to have a body x-ray performed in order to check for any other infections.  Unfortunately for us this couldn't be coordinated fast enough to allow for our release today.  My parents dropped Nolan off at the house with me this morning and I was ready to do the switch with Cristy, but she felt spending one more night in the hospital wasn't a big deal.

     Our ID doctor believes that keeping Evan's antibiotic treatment as-is is the best approach.  In her mind there wasn't enough data to justify a change.  If we had switched to Rocephin it potentially could have introduced other complications due to the broad spectrum of bacteria it combats against.  I had no concerns with this approach since it looks to me as if the infections likely cropped back up when Evan's blood counts were down.

PT on the playground.

     Evan's mobility is coming along very nicely.  He is extremely eager to walk and I can't remember that being the case historically.  It's obvious to me that he's feeling much better in his leg than he has in the past.  I always ask him how he feels expecting some soreness in his muscles or surgical site, but he always tells me he feels good.  The physical therapist took him to the playground today and Cristy said that he handled stairs and ladders with only minimal assistance.  I jokingly told Evan the other night that he and I can play some soccer in the back yard in a couple of weeks.  I never imagined that it might actually be possible!
     Cristy spoke with the nurse practitioner this morning and we have an update on his chemotherapy.  They're tentatively looking at next week to start up Interim Maintenance.  This provides his body with a bit more time to get the leg infection under control or eliminated.  The NP also mentioned that we could possibly re-install his port during the next LP.  This would be fantastic as it would allow us to get rid of the PICC.
     Keeping things topical I want to say congratulations to the Atlanta Falcons on a great season.  I personally didn't have Super Bowl expectations and the team should feel proud.  I know many of the players devote a lot of time to CHoA and lifting the spirits of the children.  At the end of the day it's only a game and we gave New England a scare.  The team is poised for another deep run next season and hopefully once the sting wears off they can reflect on this season and hold their heads up high.  Rise Up!

Rise Up!

     Also of note is my sister's birthday tomorrow.  I don't want to embarrass her and say her age, but let's just say we're both getting long in the tooth.  Happy birthday Sis, thanks for all you do for us!

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