Monday, December 26, 2016

Day 193 - Christmas recap

       Christmas 2016 has come and gone.  The boys were showered gifts and affection, the family got to come together for some fellowship and we all enjoyed the warmer than usual weather.  Yesterday my parents, sister, niece, brother-in-law and friends Todd and Gina came over to celebrate Pruitt style.  Evan really hadn't asked for much besides Lego Dimensions so it was fun seeing his expression while opening various gifts.  It was also great that Cristy's brother Rhod was able to join us this year.
     On the healthcare front I won't have many updates until Wednesday evening.  The only news we've received is that Evan will get a spinal tap, IVIG infusion and Vincristine.  Anxious to see what the Oncology team has planned for Evan's future treatment.  The rest of today's blogs will simply contain photos of the last few days.  More updates to come later this week.

Rhod and Evan playing some Battlefront.

The Griffins sent Evan and Nolan some gifts!  Thank you!

Leaving cookies, milk and carrots for Santa and his reindeer.

Checking out their stockings.

Quick photo before the kids woke up.

Nolan enjoyed tearing paper.

The kids "hiding".


Winding down.

Santa and the boys.

Making cookies for the big man's arrival.

The boys showing some brotherly love.

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