Thursday, July 14, 2016

Day 28 - Side effects

     Our journey continues as we're now on day 24 of Induction, the first phase of our chemotherapy plan.  Evan's body is starting to show wear from the steroids and various drugs that have been administered.  In the pictures below you'll see puffy and red cheeks.  Much of this is due to the steroids.  Cristy noticed patches of hair on his pillow today so we know that it will soon be time to cut his hair.  My goal is to prevent any emotional trauma from watching it fall out over time.

Receiving a new IV prior to chemo.

     Evan had some significant bowel movements yesterday with Cristy and continues them today, albeit to a lesser degree.  Going forward Evan will receive laxatives during all chemo sessions, particularly those that involve Vincristine.  His stomach pains still haven't went away, but there has been nothing in the x-rays to suggest inflammation or other GI issues.
     The clot in his chest will need to be reevaluated in 6 weeks.  During his daily blood work the doctors have indicated that they have a particular value they look for to determine the blood's viscosity (my word, not theirs) and that he needs his a bit thinner.  They're upping the dosage amount in order to thin his blood out more.  Because of his age and the general strength of his heart they feel the effects should be minimal.

Resting on the couch while his room gets cleaned.

     Thus far Evan's blood counts seem to be increasing in the areas we'd want.  Not sure what values the doctors would consider a success, but some of the numbers I've heard are the highest we've seen since being diagnosed.  Interestingly his blood cultures for July 12th aren't showing bacteria, despite the fact that he still has multiple fevers a day.  Labs from last night haven't returned any news, good or bad, but assuming they continue with negatives for the infections we're being told that we could leave by late next week.  A lot of ifs still in play, but at least we have some sort of positive news.
     I wanted to close this evening's blog by saying Thank You to so many people.  Cristy and I are blessed and more fortunate than we deserve to have such a strong support system from family and friends.  It should go without saying, but we couldn't do this without all of you.  You're all a part of this journey with us and every prayer, gesture, lending of ears or assistance with family needs you provide doesn't go unnoticed.

Thanks to Christina for the Hulk cupcakes.

     Since I haven't provided any music lately I felt it was long over due.  I'm going to leave you with one of my guilty pleasures.  Fight Song by Rachel Platten is on my workout playlist, but seems fitting tonight.  Thanks again to EVERYONE!

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